18+ homeless silkie eggs


10 Years
Aug 11, 2009
Bloomsdale, MO
give these eggs a home
earlier this summer I purchased roopty doos silkie flock I have been hatching babies like crazy. as of right now I have 18 eggs collected I started collecting Monday. so far this summer these birds have won best in show twice. you will receive eggs from the white pen and the cuckoo pens. one pen also contains some frizzles. all of the parent birds have correct toes and good wings, not a DQ in the flock.
this pullet won best in show
APA judge Larry Denny, "she is perfect I can not fault her"

here is my white roo

some of the ladies

babies, can you hear the peeping ????

Nora says "please give these eggs a home"

these eggs ship out Friday and as always I'm not responsible for the PO
These are WONDERFUL birds folks. These pictures don't do justice. I seen them in person, and they are some of if not the nicest silkies I have seen. If I didn't just fill my bator with my own eggs I would be tempted.

By the way muddyhorse. I'm still wanting a White Pair.
For real! You wouldn't turn them loose cause you wanted to show them, but I'm still awaiting when you decide which ones to turn loose of.
So share the beauty. The hens I got from you are doing great. They are so lovely. And the light splash is really maturing beautifully. She looked pretty unpromising when I got her, but she is getting nice now.

I haven't gotten to hatch any babies yet though.
They laid when I first got them, and I saved every egg but not a one was fertile. Then they stopped laying, and haven't laid one since. lol. I want babies! But I really don't want to shave their pretty bums. I will though!
aw thanks kinder
I'll hook you up with some whites any time. BTW if anybody wants some great splashes kinder took all of mine. the splash doesn't work that great with the cuckoo roos, interesting does not even begin to describe the results
of course I can do a smaller batch next time. I think the girls are in overdrive right now they didn't lay much when it was a million degrees out and they are making up for lost time.

this is one of my cuckoo roos, his skin is mottled and he is throwing very dark skinned cuckoo babies.
right now there are 24 eggs ready to go to their new home
look what was in the bator this morning


out of 16 eggs 15 were fertile right now I have 2 out, 5 zipps, 8 pips

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