19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

hi everybody look what i found today
I've gotten a single egg every day since last wed. I thought it was a rhode island at first. But Saturday Sunday and today I've watched one of the ISAs, Dumpling laying the egg. Is it possible that she's been laying every day since her 1st egg? I didn't think they layed so frequently at first. I'm super excited though. I figured if anyone else was laying wed have had a couple eggs in one day at some point. We have 4 ISAs and 3 rhode islands

And Nelson those babies are soooooo sweet. I want them!!!!
All summer long I've been saying there is a snake in the chicken house. My only proof being eggs under the Broody hens disappearing. Tonight when I went out to shut the doors, I saw a snake w/it's tail just leaving the ceiling and a lump in it's belly. Did a quick look around but all babies were accounted for. Went and grabbed a pitch fork and speared the sucker!!! The lump in the snake was the golf ball from one of the nest boxes!!! This snake was only 3-4 feet long. Last year I shot a 6' black snake that had eaten my day old chicks.

You go girl! Sorry, but the only good snake is a dead snake in my yard. Lately I have been giving them a chance to escape, but if I see them twice or near the house sorry it's all over. I had a friend who found one in her house and that would scare me to death. So the only good snake is a dead one if he gets near my house or hens.!
one of my cats, a huge male Maine Coon, likes to lie down on top of baby copperheads. must tickle his belly or something... another of my cats, a female, likes to bring them in the house for a toy and later, a snack. it's awful. but she will only come in the house via the main front door (hardly ever used) so if she has something dangling from her mouth, I don't open up. nothing stands a chance of getting too close to the house much less inside alive (unless Miss Em's sneaks in with one...

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