19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

The wait is killing me. Any other advice other than to wait?

Nope, sounds like you have all the bases covered!
If your first ones are the size of my first ones, one egg won't feed a family of one! :lol:

My plan had been to have breakfast for dinner, even before the egg came. I scrambled the fresh egg separately, and everyone got a little taste. I would say it was between a "small" and "medium" store egg. The shell was just as hard as the store eggs. Most of the other 7 chickens have been squatting, even the "dingbat" crazy one, who won't usually let you near her, she's a bit crazy, lol. Hopeful ill have more joining in the egg laying soon!

And the one that laid the egg was the one in my avatar, the smallest of the 8!
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Today it happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First Egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a raining cold day and we heard what we thought ways a hawk or something and all but one girl was standing in the door of the run looking alert and around. Checked a bit later cause silly me thought it was a hawk, duh. Gerty our Black Austrolorp was busy inside. She is the bossiest one lately and saw her squatting the past couple of days.

So Fun

We have 3 boxes but only one with the golf ball

Looks big for a first egg I think. I was surprised by the size.

Today it happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First Egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a raining cold day and we heard what we thought ways a hawk or something and all but one girl was standing in the door of the run looking alert and around. Checked a bit later cause silly me thought it was a hawk, duh. Gerty our Black Austrolorp was busy inside. She is the bossiest one lately and saw her squatting the past couple of days.

So Fun

We have 3 boxes but only one with the golf ball

Looks big for a first egg I think. I was surprised by the size.


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