19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

And here it is......Ta da! The first egg. Most likely from one of the Barred Rocks. One day short of 22 weeks old. So now I'm wondering when they rest of them will start laying......

Definitely a small pullet egg. And here it is next to a store bought size Large egg for comparison.


hahahahahahahaha! Olive was my mother's name. hahahahahahahahaha!
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Finally! Got my 1st two pullet eggs from my Welsummers. Whoo-hoooooo!!!!

My 5 Wellie girls are 8mos old today. I had all but given up on them for the winter and was waiting for spring!
And here it is......Ta da! The first egg. Most likely from one of the Barred Rocks. One day short of 22 weeks old. So now I'm wondering when they rest of them will start laying......

Definitely a small pullet egg. And here it is next to a store bought size Large egg for comparison.

Nice! Is it really blue, or is that just the photo? The store bought one looks almost green.
No, I think it just appears that way from being on the bright red background. It's was light brown egg that had a sheen to it. The store bought egg is was little darker and had a more matte like finish. I guess I should have put them on a white background. Too late. We fried it up, along with a store bought egg, and had a taste test this morning. It's the one on the left. Small, but a nice bright orange yolk with a creamy texture. YUM!

It's the one on the left.

No need to tell us that. Once you've seen a REAL egg from your own chickens, it is like being able to tell your sons from your daughters.

Congrats! I took a similar picture of my first egg fried next to a store bought Large. And I took pictures of the humongous Australorp eggs next to a regular Australorp egg. And I took pictures of two double yolk Ancona eggs frying in the pan together. And .... oh never mind let's just say I haven't gotten over the excitement and fun of having chickens and FRESH eggs
Only got 3 today but that pushed us to 202 total since the first egg on November 3rd. If I wasn't keeping track I wouldn't have guessed it was nearly so many.

No need to tell us that. Once you've seen a REAL egg from your own chickens, it is like being able to tell your sons from your daughters.

Congrats! I took a similar picture of my first egg fried next to a store bought Large. And I took pictures of the humongous Australorp eggs next to a regular Australorp egg. And I took pictures of two double yolk Ancona eggs frying in the pan together. And .... oh never mind let's just say I haven't gotten over the excitement and fun of having chickens and FRESH eggs
Only got 3 today but that pushed us to 202 total since the first egg on November 3rd. If I wasn't keeping track I wouldn't have guessed it was nearly so many.


You should see my facebook page ... LOTS of photos of my eggs in all stages of preparation, from exiting the chicken clear through bitten in half. I still have one trooper friend who still "likes" every egg photo I post.

So Bruce, do you have a little chart of each egg, the date laid, the weight, and the probable hen?

I should have been counting. But in all the excitement I didn't think of that.

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