19 and a half weeks old and still no eggs :( egg countdown anyone??

I only posted yesterday to say I still had no eggs yet and I got home yesterday to be greeted by my first ever egg!! One of my warrens has been "squatting" and until yesterday I didn;t even know what that meant! Very happy mummy!!
Our RIRs just turned 18 weeks and we got our first 2 eggs today. Next step is to figure out which ones are roos and which ones are hens... I've got some with green colouring (apparently roos) with small combs and wattles (apparently hens?) and others without green, smaller, rounder and huge combs and wattles.... gonna have to post some pics and get some help I think...
It should be very obvious by now which ones are roos and which ones are hens. Roos are typically much bigger, more aggressive, and have a different body shape than the hens. Maybe you got all hens!
I have heard that some breeds start laying later than others?? .... I have a couple of Ameraucana/Leghorn crosses(20 weeks), black pandesca(18 weeks) and polish (17 weeks) that I am waiting on .....

Does anyone know if I will be waiting longer on any of those specifically?

I have two RIR that are 24 weeks. NO EGGS !! I wonder if the hot temps here in NC are paart of the reason.
Hey there neighbor, I'm from Bahama live in Apex now and yes I think the heat is affecting them. I have some Buffs and Red sex links that are 1 and 2 years old that I've been getting about 8 or 9 eggs from consistantly until the last couple weeks and now I'm only getting 4 or 5. They have shade and I put frozen water bottles in their water tank but it's just been too hot for too long. I wouldn't want to be in the nesting box trying to lay and egg in 100+ weather either, poor girls. I'm hoping for cooler weather real soon.
I have 5 buff orps, and I got my first egg yesterday!!! 18 wks, 3 days. I'm soooo excited!!

I can't wait to see what today will bring!
I honestly have no idea about the specifics of my birds. I got them from tractor supply in the 'red pullets' tub. The look like a mix between a buff orpington and a rhode island red.
They may be their sex links, aka red stars. I also got 4 of mine from the red pullets tub. I was told that some of them are red stars... however, we got them from different tubs, so I'm wondering if I have 2 RIR's and 2 red stars, because 2 of them are maturing more slowly and are a darker red, without the white markings.


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