19 week old RIR pullet: bubbly swollen eye. (PICS)

What are you feeding them? (and is it mash or crumbles or pellets?) If it is fungal related ( the sneezing) .... well, try the Tylan (altho re the mass that will not affect it unless it is an inflammation) and the Polyvisol
Let me know what that humidity is in the coop.
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Just saw this post. This has been going on a while with no other symptoms. Is it possible that it could be eyeworms? They will cause swelling and watery eyes. It is like conjunctivitis. There would be no resp. symptoms. Does she seem to scratch at it?

If not eye worms, I would think penicillin might be better to use than the tylan in this case.

If it is eye worms, I have only heard of using VetRX.
Run your finger under her top beak. Sometimes a crusty material lodges there from a sinus infection. This could make your bird stop breathing trough the nostrils or just irritate the sinus and thus the front of the eye. I had to do this to my polish chickens and most had the crusty buildup. Boy, were they happy campers when I got this stuff out from there upper beak.
Chickenlady (never a dull moment, eh?):

I thought about the eye worm, Vet Rx thing. I even brought it up in a post and was advised to not put it in a bird's eye. But the Vet Rx label says clearly that it is for EYE worm. So I was misadvised by a well-intentioned soul. Yes, Dottie scratches the eye.

Yesterday was day two without Terra. ointment; and the eye was real runny. I also saw, in dim light of dusk, a whitish "thing" in the front corner of the eye. I assume it was a liquid and not a piece of shavings, though it had that off white color of shavings. I have no idea what it could've been. puss? mucous? i'll check again for sure.

This makes me want to resume the terra. in a more aggressive manner. the label says to apply it 2-4 times a day. i never did more than 2ce, and most often i only did it 1x. Maybe that is a problem. i just hated to torment the little one 4 times a day like that: POKING her in the eye 4x a day; and she didn't appreciate it even once a day.


I can't adjust the humidity in the coop; I have to just go with the ambient outdoor humidity, which, yes, is decreasing this time of year. BUT, worth noting that even in the humid spring and summer days, they sneezed; whether dry and warm, rainy and cool, rainy and warm--sneeze. But always real lively. The birds have had a rather humid life so far. Up here in MA anyway, we had a very wet and cool spring and summer. Someone even proposed a mold/fungal situation precisely because of the humid and cool conditions.

Regarding the Poly Vi Sol, I have been giving them supplemental Vit A already via Blue Ribbon Vitamin, Electrolyte, and Probiotic Pack.

FEED: As chicks; First month, unmedicated (sort of organic) chick starter feed from Poulin Grain, then due to health concerns, was advised to get medicated feed. So then I used Agway Chick Starter crumbles with Amprolium.
Then Agway Chick Grower crumbles
Now, it is Agway Egg Layer pellets


Rimshoes, sounds like a tricky little operation, but I may have to look into it--if i can come up for air from other things..........
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I hope you have had time to read thru those last two links I sent you (the second one had the dosage for nebulization with Tylan)
Here is a good general review which you should also look through and keep in mind... written
symptoms are so often similar (or the same!) for so many different things... if you have the info then you can recognize a symptom you may not have even thought was important enough to post here or a combination which will help to narrow things down. (btw- I would not advise vet RX either)
http://www.clemson.edu/LPH/Common Diseases of chickens, turkeys & game birds1.pdf
No I didn't do so yesterday. But I will definitely do so. Thank you for all your time. I feel pretty pushy :|
A couple hours ago. One of the birds in the other coop (Bubbly Dottie is NOT in this coop) did about 3-4 loud chirpy sneezes. I have never heard such from any of the birds in this coop--only quiet sneezes. She is also the one who, when she shook her head yesterday, sprayed me with a few droplets of who knows what. ( I saw the droplets: they were clear maybe a bit off-clear, and not sticky)

I take this as a sign of a deteriorating situation brought on in part by the stress of the cold weather setting in. Been in the 30s several am s in a row and 32 yest. am and this am.

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Has she sneezed since? Usually a bunch of loud sneezes like that indicate they got something in their nose that tickles, like food or water, it is usually temporary.

I think we should start charging you for all these consultations. LOL.
You are going to be able to write a chicken book after your venture, I hope we all get a cut, I'm sure it will be a best seller.

No she hasn't sneezed like that, since--to my knowledge. The only time I've heard such a sneeze before is because of some exposure to something that 'tickled' I remember one of the birds, Jane, let out this perfectly human 'Achoo' one day this summer after coming out of a definitely dusty coop/scratching party. I burst out laughing. This same bird also sneezed like that after getting Oxine vapor treatment, which will obviously do something to the nasal situation.

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