1st Attempt To Artificial Insemination


7 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Hi everyone,

I got a healthy egg-laying chicken that I am hoping to artificially inseminate. I found a friend with a rooster and produce good semen/sperm.

I got two questions and would be glad if someone can answer me :

1. I am planning to inseminate the sperm to chicken every day or is it too much to do everyday?

2. Now the eggs that chicken is producing is not fertile, when can i expect to have fertile eggs? So I can take the eggs and incubate.

A hen could have up to 3 eggs be fertile after being mated with once. So you would not have to do it every day. You can expect the first egg she lays to be fertile after AI. Why don't you just bring the hen over there to be mated with? That seems much easier.
Hi everyone,

I got a healthy egg-laying chicken that I am hoping to artificially inseminate. I found a friend with a rooster and produce good semen/sperm.

I got two questions and would be glad if someone can answer me :

1. I am planning to inseminate the sperm to chicken every day or is it too much to do everyday?

2. Now the eggs that chicken is producing is not fertile, when can i expect to have fertile eggs? So I can take the eggs and incubate.

There are some YouTube videos on AI. I watched one a few months back and I believe they only did it once every two weeks.
A hen could have up to 3 eggs be fertile after being mated with once. So you would not have to do it every day. You can expect the first egg she lays to be fertile after AI. Why don't you just bring the hen over there to be mated with? That seems much easier.
Biosecurity I assume, parasites dont transmit via sperm and many diseases probably wont transmit that way either but I dont know the list.

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