1st Broody Duck


14 Years
Aug 30, 2009
Mt Repose, OH
My Coop
My Coop
So Duchess is broody, and everyone is helping her. A chicken even joined her at the same time, both have 6 eggs. The chicken I'm not worried about, been through several broody chickens in the past.

The drakes, both of them, are all of a sudden getting along now. They were bickering and being terrible. As soon as she sat herself down on those eggs, now they're friends.

The other female doesn't lay in the nest anymore, she's indifferent to the whole thing now and lays in the run now.

The boys, both of them, come running anytime the broody quacks. Like if I go inside to change the water, she quacks, the boys come hard charging in, one visits her to check, the other comes after my leg.

Duchess is doing her job really well. These boys have calmed down unless you disturb her, and they seem to be careful around her. They don't fight each other any more, they don't go in after her anymore.

Do I need to worry about these boys or are they on the right track to fatherhood? The roosters I had before would watch and help the broodies, would sit with them or talk to them, and be sweet to the chicks when they hatched.

Will the drakes, with the behavior they're showing now and the attitude changes they've had, be the same?

Or will I need to make a broody hut for both the duck and the hen (I know 2 hens in the coop will give Wheaties grief over babies, so she's for sure getting removed)... but are the drakes going to be an issue?

The only reason I'm removing Wheaties the chicken is because I don't have a rooster to help protect her from the other hens. Plus she's having ducks, and I don't want her leading them over the 3 ft drop to the floor from the box she's in.

The boys are being super cute right now, all concerned for her, watchful, and they're not disturbing her. I was worried they'd drag that fighting in there and be generally terrible like they were acting a couple of weeks ago.

Hatch day is June 5th, so I have some time to figure it out. Need to candle soon and see what's up in those eggs.
I would be cautiously optimistic, and have Plan B ready. Drakes can do weird things. Nice that they are giving everyone a break right now! Some drakes are just great with broodies and ducklings. I don't know how we could predict their future behavior, based on what I have read.

Sounds so sweet, right now!
I havent had the pleasure yet my ducks havent gone broody for me, but with my cchickens I dont even candle and try to stay as uninvolved as I can make my self. But I have seen my Broody hens fight with a duck a got be attacked by roosters ( well you know not attacked but ..) and she stood her ground fighting everything away from the eggs, I dont candle .. And I dont move them until the chicks are hatching .. I am sure Ducks are probably different so I hope to learn, as some day I hope one of my girls will want to hatch some of her eggs.
So Duchess is broody, and everyone is helping her. A chicken even joined her at the same time, both have 6 eggs. The chicken I'm not worried about, been through several broody chickens in the past.
The drakes, both of them, are all of a sudden getting along now. They were bickering and being terrible. As soon as she sat herself down on those eggs, now they're friends.
The other female doesn't lay in the nest anymore, she's indifferent to the whole thing now and lays in the run now.
The boys, both of them, come running anytime the broody quacks. Like if I go inside to change the water, she quacks, the boys come hard charging in, one visits her to check, the other comes after my leg.
Duchess is doing her job really well. These boys have calmed down unless you disturb her, and they seem to be careful around her. They don't fight each other any more, they don't go in after her anymore.
Do I need to worry about these boys or are they on the right track to fatherhood? The roosters I had before would watch and help the broodies, would sit with them or talk to them, and be sweet to the chicks when they hatched.
Will the drakes, with the behavior they're showing now and the attitude changes they've had, be the same?
Or will I need to make a broody hut for both the duck and the hen (I know 2 hens in the coop will give Wheaties grief over babies, so she's for sure getting removed)... but are the drakes going to be an issue?
The only reason I'm removing Wheaties the chicken is because I don't have a rooster to help protect her from the other hens. Plus she's having ducks, and I don't want her leading them over the 3 ft drop to the floor from the box she's in.
The boys are being super cute right now, all concerned for her, watchful, and they're not disturbing her. I was worried they'd drag that fighting in there and be generally terrible like they were acting a couple of weeks ago.
Hatch day is June 5th, so I have some time to figure it out. Need to candle soon and see what's up in those eggs.
Alot of folks would say move the drakes out till ducklings are big enough to run away if attacked, I found the opposite, When our first ducklings hatched a month ago I left everything the same had to really have no place except outside the fence to put the drakes and gander. Well all the boys have been great towards the ducklings, I never left them alone in general area till I was sure all was well though. My gander has even taken on role of daddy goose. The 2 drakes could care less. Now mind you if a duckling was to get too close i think they would probably pop it but so far the ducklings act like they know to stay away from them, maybe their size is intimadating to them. Hope your hatch goes great and mama duck and chicken do great.
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Great question -- I have 3 plus broody ducks, and I'm hoping they hatch out ducklings . . . but I also wondered whether it is better to take them away after hatching for awhile. I'm rehoming my drake so that won't be an issue, but not sure how the geese will do with the whole situation . . . got to rearrange my fencing today so I can put my goslings outside soon. Wish they didn't all decide to be broody at the same time!

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