1st coop construction progress

The chickens LOVE the chicken-level glass windows. They all run over when they see me outside, and if I'm not paying attention to them they peck at the glass. I'm thinking of putting up a sign that says "Don't tap on the glass" - on the inside!

I'm still working on the run. I've got all but one wire panel off (hardware cloth is SUCH a pain -- I don't know how raccoons get past staples, I had to cut them out to get the mis-done bit of hardware cloth out). Today I'm building the run door, which may become a single door instead of dutch doors (easier to build and I could make the style sort of match the windows). Ramp stuff is all ready to go, some extra bits of 1x to help hold teh pop door slides are primed...

My hope now is to get it all ready by the end of the day so that they can be in the run while I work, even though it's not predator proofed yet (no apron, openings at top).

Don't worry, I also borrowed dad's Big Ol' Magnet Onna Stick, and I'll be going over the run ground very carefully with it before I let them out.

Edit to add: I'm also figuring out the roost -- they've got a temp one now, but still sleep in a cuddle pile on the floor.
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