1st Time with Jumbo Cornish X's... Help needed

You have 30 two week old Cornish X's in your house? That must be awful. My wife would literally set me on fire if I tried that.

My wife nearly did that to me when I had 25 cornish X's in the downstairs brooder. Next year, the brooder goes in the detached garage and nothing in the house except for perhaps layer peeps. Those were alright inside.

I just found this:

Scratch Grain 70% corn and 30% wheat mix 50 lb sacks 7.50 and if you buy 10 or more 7.00 each.
I feed it to my chickens and they love it! pick ups only after 6pm until 8pm Mon/Sat no Sundays.

Would this be something like I would want. I have always bought my feed at TSC, but you are right, if I start buying it from a feed mill the price is way better- but would this combination be for broilers or layers.

My brooder box is in the barn, its a really good size. Hubby custom built it for me. It has a little house in it and a good light. They have to come out of the house to get food and water. I can't tell you size, I would have to go measure and its dark out there
- I was just going to kind of play it by visual, if they look too big in there before 3 weeks I will move them early. I have a dirt floor in the bar, I was going to put wood shavings down when I move them in there. I am guessing they dont fly much, so they should stay put unless I open the door. I would like them to free-range at least some to kind of round them out.
Good luck with your Cornish X's.
I just finished with my first ever batch of CX's on Monday. Ordered 50, got 52, and ended up hauling 47 to the processor. The 5 I lost were in the first 4-5 weeks and I think it was due in part to the very cool nights we have been having here.
I usually raise dual purpose birds, but this year I got started late and thought I would try the Cornish X's to get them in the freezer by fall. I went 9 weeks with mine and they looked huge. I pick them up on Friday, so I hope to have some weights to post then.
Keep em fed and watered and they do the rest...

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