2 Cayuga ducks need rehoming Kansas City

I can't take a male as I already have one and there would be a territory issue. We were just in Branson last Wed. That is half way between us and Joplin so we would probably wouldn't go any further than that though. You may be better off buying a tall, wooden dog house that you could drill ventilation holes in at the top put a door on it rehome them at your friends pond. Ducks don't do as well as singles, so they should be kept together.
I can't take a male as I already have one and there would be a territory issue. We were just in Branson last Wed. That is half way between us and Joplin so we would probably wouldn't go any further than that though. You may be better off buying a tall, wooden dog house that you could drill ventilation holes in at the top put a door on it rehome them at your friends pond. Ducks don't do as well as singles, so they should be kept together.
I know this is super late...but...any chance you still have those ducks? We lost our Cayuga hen to a foot infection this winter (after two weeks in the house and a surgery :( ) and would like to add one back to our girls.

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