2 day old not eating

Buy a plastic syringe or an eyedropper and drip it into its mouth. Just be careful because chickens can aspirate easily, so never try to force them to drink, but if you drip it onto the lower beak the chick should be able to swallow droplets like that.
It doesn't really open its mouth, I'll try tho. Hiw nuch to givr?
Do you know how to pry open the beak with a finger? It may help to have someone else hold it securely while you do that with one hand, and other hand can administer the Nutri-Drench.

I don't really measure amounts, but since it's a little chick, maybe 0.1-0.2 mL at most in a session. Try a few drops at first, and as long as it's willing to drink, give a few more.
Thank you everyone for help. It died. Crop seemed swollen or something.
So sorry you lost this little one. 🙁
It’s so tough when you try to keep them alive. Unfortunately this is not an uncommon experience when buying shipped chicks.
You almost have to expect some losses. You tried your best and that’s all you can do.🥰

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