2 duck eggs WHAT DO I DO!!!!


Apr 18, 2018
View attachment 1504785 hi I have 3 ducks 2 male 1 female “waffle” , she had eggs I think maybe yesterday ??? But I haven’t seen her sit on them once ??? Idk what to do with them ? I know ZERO about what to do when it comes to the eggs . ALLL INFORMATION WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS
Eat em, duck eggs are excellent eating. The won't have ducklings in them unless they are incubated. Most hatchery type breeds of ducks have been bred over the years to lay rather than to set. If she were inclined to set her eggs she wouldn't start setting on them until she's laid a batch of 10-12 or so. They do this so they'll all hatch at once.
Eat em, duck eggs are excellent eating. The won't have ducklings in them unless they are incubated. Most hatchery type breeds of ducks have been bred over the years to lay rather than to set. If she were inclined to set her eggs she wouldn't start setting on them until she's laid a batch of 10-12 or so. They do this so they'll all hatch at once.
Ohhhh so if I was to just not touch them and she doesn’t either she will add to them and the e ventilation sit on them?
How do you incubate them lol that sounds like a lot of work ? So do these two eggs have a chance still or no ?

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