2 Eggs in 1 Day!

Brahma Chicken5000

Araucana Addict
6 Years
Sep 26, 2017
Central New Jersey
I know that it sounds crazy but it’s true! My Silkie x Red Sex Link pullet Bianca laid 2 eggs today! She laid her first egg Friday, skipped Saturday, and laid 2 eggs today. Now I know some will be scepticle so I will lay out the facts. I have a flock of 8. I have 2 Ameraucana hens who lay blue eggs, an F1 Easter Egger hen who lays green eggs, a Frizzle Bantam hen who lays off white eggs, a Gamefowl mix hen who lays pinkish eggs and then promptly goes broody, her two daughters a Silkie x Red Sex Link and a Silkie x Easter Egger who hasn’t started laying yet, and a mixed bantam pullet who hasn’t laid a single egg since I got her 4 months ago. The only birds laying currently are my Frizzle Bantam hen and the Silkie x Red Sex Link pullet.
There is no way anyone can be pulling my leg because
1. I ate the egg she laid on Friday last night.
2. I have the only keys to the coop.
3. She likes to lay under the roosts and if the egg was laid late last evening it would have been pooped on.
4. She is the only bird in my flock who lays this color egg.
Well, Bianca sure looks pleased with herself. No doubt about those two eggs coming from the same layer.

Two eggs in the same day from a hen is not all that rare of an event. It, along with many other variations in eggs happen all the time. The thing to be concerned about is that this becomes a feature not a bug. Two yolks released in close succession can have risks.

You need to keep watch that Bianca might show signs of being egg bound and deal with it early with supplemental calcium to get the two eggs expelled before they cause trouble in her reproductive track. You'll recognize she's having trouble if you see her immobile with her tail low and flat and maybe pumping her rear as she squats.

Right now, Bianca is young and her shell gland is healthy and producing plenty of calcium. The problem is one that would crop up later on as her body loses it's "beginner's luck". A yolk released in close succession can be thin-shelled or shell-less and more likely to get hung up. This may never happen with Bianca, but it bears keeping an eye on.
Well, Bianca sure looks pleased with herself. No doubt about those two eggs coming from the same layer.

Two eggs in the same day from a hen is not all that rare of an event. It, along with many other variations in eggs happen all the time. The thing to be concerned about is that this becomes a feature not a bug. Two yolks released in close succession can have risks.

You need to keep watch that Bianca might show signs of being egg bound and deal with it early with supplemental calcium to get the two eggs expelled before they cause trouble in her reproductive track. You'll recognize she's having trouble if you see her immobile with her tail low and flat and maybe pumping her rear as she squats.

Right now, Bianca is young and her shell gland is healthy and producing plenty of calcium. The problem is one that would crop up later on as her body loses it's "beginner's luck". A yolk released in close succession can be thin-shelled or shell-less and more likely to get hung up. This may never happen with Bianca, but it bears keeping an eye on.
I sure hope this won’t become normal for her. :fl She has access to plenty of crushed oyster shell and crushed eggshells.
Beautiful eggs and bird. :love

I agree that it was likely a hiccup, maybe one got laid very early in the morning that day.

She has access to plenty of crushed oyster shell and crushed eggshells.
Softees can also be a hiccup even for birds that have plenty of calcium access. It depends on the shell gland. When people feed calcium to birds that have a softee inside them still... it is to support the immediate muscle contractions more than building future eggs shells. Also, calcium availability doesn't effect when the ovary releases the next ovum...

Assuming you aren't using artificial lighting that could have contributed to this... I wouldn't worry too much. As noted though, always good to keep an eye open. I have seen this happen to another local and they NEVER faced binding. And I have had binding in my own flock once or twice... usually with multiple yolks in the same egg. Those stress me out. :barnie

What makes me LESS worried about yours... is that she had a day off right before the double... so the first one laid was probably just a little too late that prior day to make its' exit... there is also no slab siding on either of those eggs. :)

Hopefully all is well long term! :fl
Beautiful eggs and bird. :love

I agree that it was likely a hiccup, maybe one got laid very early in the morning that day.

Softees can also be a hiccup even for birds that have plenty of calcium access. It depends on the shell gland. When people feed calcium to birds that have a softee inside them still... it is to support the immediate muscle contractions more than building future eggs shells. Also, calcium availability doesn't effect when the ovary releases the next ovum...

Assuming you aren't using artificial lighting that could have contributed to this... I wouldn't worry too much. As noted though, always good to keep an eye open. I have seen this happen to another local and they NEVER faced binding. And I have had binding in my own flock once or twice... usually with multiple yolks in the same egg. Those stress me out. :barnie

What makes me LESS worried about yours... is that she had a day off right before the double... so the first one laid was probably just a little too late that prior day to make its' exit... there is also no slab siding on either of those eggs. :)

Hopefully all is well long term! :fl
Thank you Eggsighted.
No artificial lighting as I let my girls take their natural breaks from laying.
She was in the coop trying to lay yesterday but no egg so maybe she held it in :idunno
I feed my flock Purina Flock Raiser crumble.

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