2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

She is a little downy miracle, lucysducks11. I am so happy she survived and is thriving. That little one is going to hold a very special place in your heart and life. I spent all day outside working on my own run so I'm trying to catch up.

Many, many Congratulations.
Your story has been amazing with followers around the world....thanks for sharing it with us, and I (we) hope you continue to update on all the ducklings....

You all deserve to meet the twin that lived, she's perked right up and is drinking water and finding her feet. Little Miss Ravyn is her name, and she's definitely female just from the way she behaves. :)
I hope you all love the pic. It may take a month to upload lol but I'm trying
Awww shes so cute!!! Congrats!!!
Heehee, thank you Kathy and Nat.

Interesting you'd say that Kathy cuz for fun I've considered doing a short video of myself saying duck bewrd stuff and posting it on here for silliness.

On the serious side of all this, ducks have a profound effect on me. I love them alot. And I love birds alot, too. I see pics you guys post and I go bonkers.
Heehee, thank you Kathy and Nat.

Interesting you'd say that Kathy cuz for fun I've considered doing a short video of myself saying duck bewrd stuff and posting it on here for silliness.

On the serious side of all this, ducks have a profound effect on me. I love them alot. And I love birds alot, too. I see pics you guys post and I go bonkers.


Haha, that would be the awesomest!

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