2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

I'm so sorry Lucy. You fought the good fight with Tinkerbell and so did she. When God puts his hand on the right shoulder, you may as well move yours from the left because He is going to win. He called her home.

My 14 year old dog died three weeks ago in my arms so I know how bad you are grieving right now. I set and bawled again last night out of the clear blue, simply remembering her as a pup. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You did all you could to help her.

My sweet little Tinkerbell died this morning at exactly 7:44
I needed her to hang on and.make it until 8 when the vet opened, and she did all night, and then I guess she just had no more peeps in her. Her little body gave up
I don't know if she was just giving me 1 more night with her sweet little peeps or what, why did she hang on until I had 16 minutes left to save her? I don't understand :(
I'm so heart broken and tired. I'm going to rest now that she is. I still have 6 more that need me and 6 in the Bator. Thanks for all the sweet words, support, encouragement everything.. :(

Rest in peace little Tinkerbell.... :hugs I'm desperately sorry for your loss. Your 6-pack need your love and attention, aswell as the Calls in the incubator. Lucy, please please please don't beat yourself up about this. Losses happen and you need to stay strong.
So sorry for you
but you did everything you possibly could, and youve been a great duckie mother!!! She was loved her couple days here and thats more than alot will ever know, so i hope you take confort in that. Now you just need to focus on the other 12, Im following through to see how your other hatch goes, still crossing my fingers for you!!!
So so sorry.

I don't know how you do it.

What a very short short life.
Yet..... It's not the time on earth that a life is measured...

But how that life touched others and brought joy and meaning to others.

I believe Tinkerbell has done just that.
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I feel absolutely silly for being so heartbroken over this little duck. She was just such a fighter and I know she has a lesson somewhere in a this for me to learn, I just have to find it. I was so upset about her making it all night and then letting go literally 15 minutes before I was going to leave to take her. I thought ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!! I know she is not suffering anymore and this will pass, she taught us all that you don't give up, letting go isn't giving up.
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I feel absolutely silly for being so heartbroken o we this little duck. She was just such a fighter and I know she has a lesson somewhere in a this for me to learn, I just have to find it. I was so upset about her making it all night and then letting go literally 15 minutes before I was going to leave to take her. I thought ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!! I know she is not suffering anymore and this will pass, she taught us all that you don't give up, letting go isn't giving up.

:hugs Not silly in the slightest.
No, not silly. In my first ever hatch, the first chick was a huge preemie, long story short, ended up losing him. I was heartbroken. It happens to most of us!

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