2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Sure you even want to set them at all? (Trying to be the voice of reason here. Not popular, I know. Just hate to see you stretched any thinner than you already are.)

Will play it by ear, next week is my last cycle of chemo and I am doing radiation and chemo again plus spinal infusion..May not be doing much but sleeping off the chemo...
So I'm thinking about throwing these eggs in the Bator, who is ready for phase 3??
We are always ready for more babies!

Just kidding on setting the eggs tonight, I am not feeling well at all for some reason. Kind of went down fast and hard with Nausea and massive pain in my back. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to start incubating them...

So bummed but not going to push myself..
You need to be careful, there will always be more eggs, take care of you first!

Will play it by ear, next week is my last cycle of chemo and I am doing radiation and chemo again plus spinal infusion..May not be doing much but sleeping off the chemo...
In all honesty I'd planned on this for next week but DH went to our Amish neighbor's house on Tuesday to buy dog food (feed store on the side) and came home with an egg carton filled with Old English Game bantam eggs and handed them to me. Some of his birds are pure bred and some are crossed with Cochins. I hatched 4 under a broody last Sept. and fell in love with the little tyrants. 2 cockerels and 2 pullets. I was frantically wiping out the incubator, checking air cells and warming the eggs up to room temperature. They went in Tuesday night about 5 pm.

More OEGB's!! Yay! I love those little birds.

Sure you even want to set them at all? (Trying to be the voice of reason here. Not popular, I know. Just hate to see you stretched any thinner than you already are.)


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