2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

I knew better, she is literally yelling at my son for rocking in a chair, which puts me in the middle because I have to make him respect his grandmother, but I choose my battles in life . I guess beating cancer will put things into a different perspective.. I just know that right now I want to go home..

Stupid me thought I'd be a good idea to bring my mom to the beach with me so we could potentially bond...so far all she has done is complain and expect me to sit here and baby sit her. If I go anytime she gets mad, she has been awful to my kids and made me cry so bad last night I threw my sugar into the 500's ... I don't know what I was even thinking trying to have a functional relationship with her. I'm obviously stupid. Clearly I have had too many moron drips
so sorry to hear that it is not going well :hugs how much longer are you staying? :hugs take care of yourself first
I knew better, she is literally yelling at my son for rocking in a chair, which puts me in the middle because I have to make him respect his grandmother, but I choose my battles in life . I guess beating cancer will put things into a different perspective.. I just know that right now I want to go home..
maybe have a private conversation with about how it is YOUR vacation and she needs to relax and enjoy her time there
does she know about your treatments? if she does talk to her about this is supposed to be a relaxing fun time

i hope it gets better for you :hugs
Hmm, Moody/control freak mothers. A topic I'm all too familiar with. You got to put your foot down and just worry about you and the kids. Its unfortunate things have to be that way with families, but it happens. If she wants respect, it has to be earned! Good luck:hugs my mom will never change, I just let her know what's what, she throws a fit and a week later, Shes normal again.:confused:
My name is Ava and I'm not allowed to be around baby ducks because I like to bite them and dunk them under the water :(
I'm in big trouble with my mommy


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Hi everyone, let me just say that I have missed all of you so much, I survived the vacation from hell and had to detox myself from my mother's bitterness , I'm not sure how long I was home before I had my first accident chasing Ava and cracked my arm and then 2 days later my Peepaw my most favorite person in the world to me passed away. Needless to say life has me in all directions. Things with my health have been ok, my diabetes has been up and down and my body is trying to get back to normal from all the toxins that ran through my veins. I miss everyone very much and hope you all are well.. I will do my best to stay in touch :)
Hi Wendy, getting caught up on the forum, I've only been back once since the big update. I've got access to some great detox products that are gentle on your system, text me if you're interested. Love and hugs.
My name is Ava and I'm not allowed to be around baby ducks because I like to bite them and dunk them under the water :(
I'm in big trouble with my mommy
its unfortunate that such a cute little duck could cause so much grief
Bad Ava! lol :hugs to both of you :hugs

Hi everyone, let me just say that I have missed all of you so much, I survived the vacation from hell and had to detox myself from my mother's bitterness , I'm not sure how long I was home before I had my first accident chasing Ava and cracked my arm and then 2 days later my Peepaw my most favorite person in the world to me passed away. Needless to say life has me in all directions. Things with my health have been ok, my diabetes has been up and down and my body is trying to get back to normal from all the toxins that ran through my veins. I miss everyone very much and hope you all are well.. I will do my best to stay in touch :)
so sorry to hear about your peepaw :hugs i am glad you survived vacation and didnt harm your mother, lol, :hugs your diabetes will settle a bit more now that you wont be as stressed out. Stress i have noticed makes a HUGE difference on my levels

Dont be a stranger :hugs
Hi everyone, let me just say that I have missed all of you so much, I survived the vacation from hell and had to detox myself from my mother's bitterness , I'm not sure how long I was home before I had my first accident chasing Ava and cracked my arm and then 2 days later my Peepaw my most favorite person in the world to me passed away. Needless to say life has me in all directions. Things with my health have been ok, my diabetes has been up and down and my body is trying to get back to normal from all the toxins that ran through my veins. I miss everyone very much and hope you all are well.. I will do my best to stay in touch :)
Losing a grandparent is like losing a treasure...the history, memories, knowledge and love shared with that special person. The influence a grandparent has on us helped mold our outlook on life and the vision and optimism we have for our future and the relationships we share. My grandmother was 100 when she died and the impact she had on me growing up is part of my fabric. Your Peepaw must have been so special.
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