2 Free chicks from middle school incubator... Help identify please.

:welcome The first one looks like a Mottled Houdan. There are so many breeds that have similar chick down to the second one, though, so it's hard to make a guess on it. Do you know what color egg it hatched out of?
Agreed on the first one - mottled Houdan

Based on pure popularity I'm guessing the bottom chick is an old english game bantam, or a beardless Easter egger. Could be either. But this is based purely on how common they both are. Knowing more info on them (like egg color or parents) would be helpful.
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Thanks for the responses. sorry I can't give any other details. We literally inherited them Friday night at the football game. The teacher recieved the eggs from a university, so egg color would be all I could provide. But, not sure that would have been noted by the kids or the teacher. To the first commenter I looked up a houdan and found and exact picture of a chick that looks just like what we have. To the second commentor I will check out your suggestions on the second bird. Thanks again to everyone!
I agree with the others, the first may be a Mottled Houdan. I'm not sure on the other. The other chick is a breed with a Light Brown, Black Breasted Red, or Partridge color when it is feathered in- I'm not sure what breed, as many look similar as chicks. It can be hard to tell breed on chicks. I'd post more photos in a couple of weeks when they have feathers. We may be more sure on our guesses by then.
I agree with the others, the first may be a Mottled Houdan. I'm not sure on the other. The other chick is a breed with a Light Brown, Black Breasted Red, or Partridge color when it is feathered in- I'm not sure what breed, as many look similar as chicks. It can be hard to tell breed on chicks. I'd post more photos in a couple of weeks when they have feathers. We may be more sure on our guesses by then.
Updated pic of my brown chick. Any suggestions yet?

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