2 Handsome Boys, EE and Black Orpington FTGH


11 Years
Jul 8, 2010
Hey everyone!
So my poor hens are getting all ripped up lately, and we've decided it's time to clean out some of the boys. These two are just too pretty to send to freezer camp though, so I'd like to see them go to a good home! The EE is a big boy, and only about 8mos old. He's very sweet, VERY protective but easily handled and has produced some pretty chicks. The other is a Black Orpington, about 7mos old. He's a little shy but a sweet roo. If anyone looked at him a few weeks ago I had him for sale, but the woman who bought him returned him after deciding she didn't want orpingtons. (ugh! >.<) When I bought him I was told he could produce Lavender chicks, but not ever hatching anything from him myself, I can't promise anything. I'd rather see these boys go to a nice home, not the soup pot, just because they are both so sweet. Thanks for looking, Here's a link to a youtube video I made before but the hen is not for sale, just the rooster. (He is just a little bigger now) Thanks so much and if you have any questions feel FREE to pm me! I don't care if you want them both, or just one! Thanks again!

(Again the hen is NOT for sale, thanks!)


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