2 month old Sebbie leg problem help


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
Been doing a lot of research, found out that my Sebbie has/had a niacin deficient diet most likely. Had problems walking off and on, but always got better. Have started using new food that has niacin in it, for about a week now, also was supplementing with a niacin supplement for about a week before that. The waterfowl food I was buying before didn't have niacin. He's been unable to walk for about 1.5 weeks. Feet turned in a little bit, left leg he just stretches out behind him while he lays down. He's using both legs to swim now. He still won't walk and won't try. he doesn't open up his feet, they're always curled in. I also see that when he lays now, the leg joint points outward more than before. Anybody else ever have this problem? What else can I do? Any ideas? I really value the information I've gotten off this site. I searched through several prior posts, but can't seem to find anything. TIA!!
What is a sebbie(a goose)? Male animals cannot lay eggs. I think it sounds more like mareks if he's paralyzed.
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He's growing just fine, so if Marek's is something geese get, this guy doesn't have it. His feathers are fine. And there are no lesions. Literally, the only thing wrong with him is the legs.

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