2 Month old Serama Hen POOP


May 7, 2023
So im raising 2, 2month old hens and this one looked kinda ill and not really wanting to move but i thought maybe bc i am using straw right now for bedding?
I took her up stairs and gave some water to her and if it helped but she pooped this and idk what could it be? It’s red/orange lumps sort of. No worms I see just a piece of straw.


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So im raising 2, 2month old hens and this one looked kinda ill and not really wanting to move but i thought maybe bc i am using straw right now for bedding?
I took her up stairs and gave some water to her and if it helped but she pooped this and idk what could it be? It’s red/orange lumps sort of. No worms I see just a piece of straw.
I meant she was wheezing so I thought maybe bc of the straw I’m using**
So im raising 2, 2month old hens and this one looked kinda ill and not really wanting to move but i thought maybe bc i am using straw right now for bedding?
I took her up stairs and gave some water to her and if it helped but she pooped this and idk what could it be? It’s red/orange lumps sort of. No worms I see just a piece of straw.

I meant she was wheezing so I thought maybe bc of the straw I’m using**
Can you post photos of her?

She's lethargic and wheezing?
Do you keep her in the house or does she live outside?
Any mucous from the nostrils, bubbles in the eyes, coughing, sneezing?

Is the wheezing better since you moved her?

Straw can be quite dusty, but I use it outside and have no problems. Ensure that your coop/housing has plenty of ventilation and fresh air coming in.

Her being kinda ill, sounds like she may have something more going on.
The poop is mucousy, so get some more photos of the poops she has had today.

Work on hydration. Feed her her normal feed (chick starter). Check her crop, what's that like?

Keep us posted.

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