2 Month Pekin Duck Breathing Super Hard


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2020
My 2 month old pekin duck is breathing extremely hard and looks like he’s panting. He has access to a pool of water and shade when outside but he seems to keep panting like he’s extremely hot. He just started doing this and my other Pekin duck (same age) seems to be just fine with no extreme panting. Is he just hot or is there another thing I should look for?
My 2 month old pekin duck is breathing extremely hard and looks like he’s panting. He has access to a pool of water and shade when outside but he seems to keep panting like he’s extremely hot. He just started doing this and my other Pekin duck (same age) seems to be just fine with no extreme panting. Is he just hot or is there another thing I should look for?
I was about to say the same as mylied... how hot is it there? Does it have any source of water to walk in, let alone swim in (ducks don’t HAVE to swim)? Ducks need water to keep their nasal cavities hydrated, plus they love swimming and cooling off in it.. what’s the highs there? Do they have any sources of shade? Try giving it like a kiddie pool to swim in or something..?

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