2 peahens just appeared in our backyard...?

Not to harp on it but...
If you don't call animal control, humane society, wildlife rescue, etc., then you won't know if someone is looking for them.

Sorry, I only mention this because of my own unpleasant experience.
I recently had by best boy peanapped and was desperately looking for him.
The only reason I found him is because the nice lady whose house he showed up at was persistent about calling around and looking for his owner.
I feel very fortunate!
You got lucky, 'cause they're considered pests in my neighborhood and are never reported as found.

Actually, they seem to be considered pests here, too.
Animal Control kept telling me that people call them all the time about peas, but not to say "I found a lost pea, is someone looking?"
They call to say "There's a pea on my car, come get rid of it," or "There's a pea pooping on my porch, come take it away."
I would let her sit eggs even if they were not fertile, what i learned with free birds if you mess with their stuff they will get better at hiding their nest and you could loose one that is if you leave them free.

They do not look like they have been loose long, perhaps they were frightened bu the 4th of July fireworks and lost their way home if they have always been free, i would at least try to find the owners before getting attached, believe me if they were your babies and you couldn't find them it would break your heart.

On another note they mat have been dumped, folks do that to all kinds of critters when things change and they don't want them any more so if you live where neighbors are and want to keep them pen them up for their safety and protection cause the ore peas are around neighborhoods the more things can go wrong for them.

Thanks for your reply. I am very flattered that they chose our yard. So far the neighbors are pleasantly surprised about our guests. The two gals visit other yards especially when there is a lawn being mowed! They actually take pictures of them!
I will let her sit the eggs for 28-30 days OR until she decides not to sit them.....whichever comes first I guess?! Thank you for the info about not disturbing her.

I just looked back and they first appeared in our yard on May 30th. I guess I need to contemplate either finding a permanent home for them OR figure out how to care for them during the winter months! I hate to admit it it but I am really getting attached to them already.
I think that she could sit a long time if nothing hatches... Why don't you just take the eggs away? There is no point in her incubating infertile eggs.
I would think If she pulls the eggs the peahen will most likely find a better hiding place and she could loose her to a critter it will stop her from laying, if they are in a safe spot I would let her, but it does depend if she wants to leave them free or pen them up or what she is allowed to do where she is at..
True, but I was just thinking about a penned setting! A possibility would be buying hatching eggs to let her actually hatch peachicks.
Sorry to be a pest, but we found a PEST over 3ft long in our peahen nest....a SNAKE! It had one of the 4 eggs already swallowed and had its mouth on a second! We 'took care of it'....what can I do to repel snakes?

Our peahen Gordy is sitting the nest again.....!


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