2 Week Chick In Need Of Help.


11 Years
Apr 5, 2008
my chick is having problems with pooping. When she poops it sticks to her butt and eventually cover her vent. Her poop ic light brown then it will go white. tried olive oil and its not helping. She really needs help.
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I had one chick from my last babies with perpetual pasty butt. I know there are several possible causes but she was cared for the same as everyone else (in the same brooder). She just had to have bottom baths until it eventually stopped happening. She is now a big, healthy, happy, girl laying eggs and just as healthy as the rest. I think some are just more inclined to have it happen.
What are you feeding it and what is it drinking? Anything other than starter feed and plain water is a no no. Clean the butt well. You might even need to clip the fluff around the vent. Put a good coating of vaseline around the vent so the poop won't stick. Keep it warm and dry. It should start to clear up in a day or two. Ther are many suspect causes for it but no real pin point reason. Treat the symptoms and give TLC is the best you can do.
I had a few that did that for awhile, they eventually grew out of it.

Yesterday my one young sultan chick had a pasty butt. I wiped it off but it didn't stop coming out. So I slightly squeezed her and it came all the way out, now she has no problem going to the bathroom.
You may have a chick that cannot tolerate the medicated feed. after the first day or two they don't need vitamins in the water if they are eating. Sometimes we can overload their little bodies with too many good things. They only need the vits and extra if they are stressed and showing ill effects from shipping or handling.
Thank you so much she is the only one doing in out of my 40 chicks. So I hope this helps I feel so bad but she doesnt appear to be in pain.

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