
In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2021
Hi, my male duck is only 2 and half weeks old...and he has been sneezy lately..but today his poop is very warm and like water. I dont have an outside so he stays in my 2 bedroom apartment and I thought thats okay because he is still a baby and I can take him outside when the weather gets better soon...I started off feeding him only bread then I realised this is very bad for ducks (I am new to this) so ever since then I have been trying to include veg, greenery, fruit and some rice into his diet, as well as bread. I gave him egg yolk in his water once I think that helped. but I haven't fed him bread for maybe just over a day and only on lettuce, grapes and rice and his poop has become so watery. He seems to be tired as well, doesnt chase after me like before or maybe I am just overly worrying, I am not sure. But like I said, he has been sneezy, and now his poop is very very watery. He has been very sleepy today... I am very worried as I am already sp attached to him....

I know that his diet is quite bad but I am trying my best as a new duck mum and im not sure what else to give him for healthy vitamins. Please could you attach me some links for duckling food. I fear that mature duck food is different to duckling food. Please let me know !!

Ps, I know bread doesnt help the ducky but I added some bread with his rice and I could see that his poop has become more normal looking now, rather than literally just clear water.

pss: might it be because I tried to check his gender today?? did that method where you flip the ducky and check and maybe he is now hurt ??
Nothing you're feeding him is appropriate for a duckling to actually live on. He needs real duck food. I don't know where you're located so I don't know what brands are actually available to you, but Mazuri is arguably the best you might be able to find it on amazon or Chewy or even through your local feed store. Barring a food actually formulated for ducks, you'd want non-medicated chick food and you'd have to add some kind of extra niacin (B3) - there's a sticky by @Isaac 0 on that at the top of the duck forum. Everything you're feeding him right now is considered "treats" and should only make up 10% of what a duck eats. All of those treats also need to be given with some kind of grit to help grind it up and digest it. If this is what he's had for two weeks honestly Im surprised hes still alive, he's certainly very unwell.

If he actually survives, he also needs at least one other duck of the same sex as company - ducks shouldnt be kept alone. The fact that you're in an apartment is also worrying, they're going to get loud and I have to imagine you're not supposed to be keeping that kind of animal as per terms of your lease.
First, try to not feed him bread as that can harm the growth. Second, any duckling starter feed is okay. Also, make sure it has starter or grower on the title as adult feed doesn't have enough protein in them. lastly, try to feed him less fruit and vegetables.
Nothing you're feeding him is appropriate for a duckling to actually live on. He needs real duck food. I don't know where you're located so I don't know what brands are actually available to you, but Mazuri is arguably the best you might be able to find it on amazon or Chewy or even through your local feed store. Barring a food actually formulated for ducks,cated chick food and you'd have to add some kind of extra niacin (B3) - there's a sticky by @Isaac 0 on that at the top of the duck forum. Everything you're feeding him right now is considered "treats" and should only make up 10% of what a duck eats. All of those treats also need to be given with some kind of grit to help grind it up and digest it. If this is what he's had for two weeks honestly Im surprised hes still alive, he's certainly very unwell.

If he actually survives, he also needs at least one other duck of the same sex as company - ducks shouldnt be kept alone. The fact that you're in an apartment is also worrying, they're going to get loud and I have to imagine you're not supposed to be keeping that kind of animal as per terms of your lease.
OMG thank you ao much for replying, I haven't yet read your whole answer but I am freaking out so much right now !! I live in the UK by the way, all vets are closed and I dont know who I should be contacting !! I need him to stay alive as we are both attached to one another. I dont know what to do !! He was quite alright yesterday but today he has been very tired, doesn't follow me as much as before but is content with seeing that I am there so I am guessing he is too tired to walk around, when I place him on the ground he doesn't explore like before he just sits... and HE JUST COLLLAPSED IN MY LAP ABOUT 10 MINS AGO !!! I thought he had died....he is still alive.....he was sat on my sleeve like he usually dies for warmth and comfort and he suddenly screeched and fell still !!!!!! on my lap and his eyes just rolled back somehow !!!!! I am still in so much shock I dont know what to do, my father took him from me and he is now placed closer to heat.. my dad put the tiniest bit of paracetamol in his water he didnt drink much...he is very tired...still pooping mostly water......

I will look for this food on amazon I just was not sure what to feed a little duckling...they all are unknown to me so I would highly appreciate if you could provide me with an amazon link... I will get something right away as well so it arrives tomorrow hopefully....

Im not sure what the sticky thing is you are telling me about... and where can I get this niacin B3 from as we are in lockdown.

There is another duck on the way we are waiting for it to hatch I hope that they can meet each other..
First, try to not feed him bread as that can harm the growth. Second, any duckling starter feed is okay. Also, make sure it has starter or grower on the title as adult feed doesn't have enough protein in them. lastly, try to feed him less fruit and vegetables.
Thank you !! I will search for this on amazon right away !! please pray for little Mimie to survive !! I willl search for starter/grower feed for ducks.
First, try to not feed him bread as that can harm the growth. Second, any duckling starter feed is okay. Also, make sure it has starter or grower on the title as adult feed doesn't have enough protein in them. lastly, try to feed him less fruit and vegetables.
Hi again,

I just found this:,aps,141&sr=8-4

is this a good one to get ??? It says Finisher in the title so its throwing me off, not sure.

thanks !!
its nearly 12am I have to figure something out for him to stay with us overnight and I am trying to find some proper nutritious food for him on amazon but cant find anything for not really sure what to get for him... and we are in tier 3 lockdown here so im not sure if stores will have duck starter food.... oh my DX
He needs a starter, finishers are for grown ducklings, which need less proteins; probably finisher pellets/crumbles have also a bigger size than starter feed
its nearly 12am I have to figure something out for him to stay with us overnight and I am trying to find some proper nutritious food for him on amazon but cant find anything for not really sure what to get for him... and we are in tier 3 lockdown here so im not sure if stores will have duck starter food.... oh my DX
Here feed stores have always been open because animals have to eat, too. I think that's the same for where you live.

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