2 week old sleeping on roost already


5 Years
May 24, 2017
Southern Minnesota
My girls are just over 2 weeks old. I’ve had a roost in their brooder for about a week. They took to it almost immediately - all the way up to the top tier. The last few days I’ve noticed them sleeping on it. This is my second batch of chicks and these 3 (ISA Browns) seem to be excelling at a crazy rate! Or maybe my last group was just slow? Or maybe it’s the breed? Any insight?
Chickens like to sleep up high. It makes them feel safe from predators. Your babies look like they have most of their feathers. Are they inside or outside? Is the weather still pretty warm? They may be telling you they don't need the heat anymore.
Well if you want them out of your house, you could put them outside with their heat pad and see how they do. If they're cold they'll run under, and if not, they'll roost. They may need the heat at night if it gets chilly but they should be OK during the day.
I just got 4 ISA Browns and they’re about 2.5 weeks old too! I put a makeshift roost in my brooder today and some have been exploring and using it. :)

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