2 wk old chick with leg straight behind her

I had a similar leg issue w a chick 2 yrs ago. Splinting didn’t seem to help. That leg was a huge hindrance, dragging behind as it got bigger, and making it harder and harder to get around. I finally culled it at 3 weeks.
This was a chick who couldn’t hatch without help, I kind of wish I hadn’t assisted.
She is over 2 wks old. Initially it looked like her leg was pushing sideways when she walked. I splinted her and she looked good. Then about 5 days ago she suddenly got worse. The leg went out to the side again. I thought it may have been broken but there doesn’t appear to be an swelling or issues. Then I thought dislocation but she will let me move the leg and it moves fine. I tried to splint her leg again but she just cried and flopped around trying to move. I just not sure what to do to help her. Maybe she has something else going on which made her worse. Or what her long term prognosis is if she can’t get around.
I understand where you are coming from. My initial thought for my chick was that she would be able to stand/hop on one leg while using her deformed leg as a counter balance. In the beginning, she was able to stand and use the deformed leg to prop herself up. That's no longer the case. She can no longer stand at all. Below is a picture of her now and a short video which shows her movement. This is now how she gets around....by flopping. It just seems cruel to put her through this and I'm worried how she will fare in the winter. Our winters are mild but it does snow on occasion. She is also incredibly thin with no fat. I have some roosters to cull very soon. I will give her a good life until then...



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