2 wk old poult not thriving


Dec 30, 2018
North Florida
I have two 2 week old poults; one is thriving, the other is not. I know that they would certainly be better off with more poults, but they were the last two remaining at purchase. I bought them as (eventual) companions for my lone mature hen that lost her buddy.

I got them as day old chicks (feed store had received the shipment that morning), a Narragansett and a Royal Palm.

The RP doesn't appear to have anything in particular wrong with her, but is considerably smaller and less active than the Narragansett. They are on 30% starter, under a lamp in 2x4 brooder with a chick of the same approx age for company.

When I brought them home the RP was the one that looked really good, alert eating/drinking well... the other not so much. I had them on probiotic/electrolyte water additive for the first week. The narg eventually caught up and is now much the larger of the two. The day after I brought them home the RP was a little pasted, so I cleaned her up, but brought her into an air conditioned portion of the house to do so. I am afraid that I chilled or shocked her by doing this; she has seemed weak ever since.
She is eating and drinking, poops look normal, and she will attempt to fly out of the brooder to follow her buddy, but I just wish I could see a little more spirit in her. The other one is all over the place, but she looks like she's just kind of hanging in there. I've purchased bait store crickets twice now to try to entice them. The narg goes nuts and gobbles them down, but I had to all but beg the RP to take one the first time (last week) and she showed no interest whatsoever today.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
...so is it normal for some to be less active than others? The vast difference between the two is what is troubling me.
Not usually unless there is something wrong with the lethargic one. Some things that can cause this type of behavior is coccidiosis or intestinal blockage due to no grit in the poult's system preventing it from digesting something such as wood chips.

The size difference is not that surprising since the Narragansett will grow to be a bigger adult than the Royal Palm/
Pet stores sell parakeet grit which can work. Starter feed does not have grit in it. Grit is not necessary for the digestion of starter feed but when they are on wood chips or getting other treats, they need grit.

Here, the ideal size grit can be found on ant hills. The ants bring the larger grits to the top of their mounds as they make their tunnels.
Thats helpful, thank you!
No luck at the pet store either, so I got a sifter and went scavenging in the yard after the rain. Washed and dried enough to fill up a jar lid. Hopefully that will work. I noted the size of the pieces for mature birds at the feed store today and aimed for 1/3 that size or smaller. Hope I got it right.
Poops look normal, so I don't suspect coccidiosis. Should I dose with Corid anyway?
They are on large woodchips as the only sand I can find in this area is too fine or dusty.
I've looked for grit at the feed stores. One told me they don't sell it and I don't need it because its in the feed I'm using. (I asked "even if they're on wood chips?" And I was told it was sufficient.)
The only other feed store only has large grit for mature chickens. Any suggestions?
Poops look normal, so I don't suspect coccidiosis. Should I dose with Corid anyway?
They are on large woodchips as the only sand I can find in this area is too fine or dusty.
I've looked for grit at the feed stores. One told me they don't sell it and I don't need it because its in the feed I'm using. (I asked "even if they're on wood chips?" And I was told it was sufficient.)
The only other feed store only has large grit for mature chickens. Any suggestions?
Pet stores sell parakeet grit which can work. Starter feed does not have grit in it. Grit is not necessary for the digestion of starter feed but when they are on wood chips or getting other treats, they need grit.

Here, the ideal size grit can be found on ant hills. The ants bring the larger grits to the top of their mounds as they make their tunnels.

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