2 year old rooster, not sure about breed.


9 Years
Jan 6, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
Several months ago I was given a crested rooster. So far the chicks he has fathered have also had a crest. He is most likely pure. He was part of a group of hatchery choice chicks. I am thinking CCL, but I'm not sure. Anyone have a more experienced guess?


Do you know what hatchery?

He's not a Legbar. My thought is one of the hatchery's designer "breeds" like maybe an Olive Egger, with Legbar ancestry. But he doesn't look like any pure bred bird I've familiar with.
Unfortunately, I do not know what hatchery. The person I got him from bought him as a chick from a feed store out of the hatchery choice bin.
Okay, so he is just a random mix then? Oh well, still cute with a great personality.

I've hatched a few of his chicks from a couple different hens. They are still juveniles and haven't fully feathered out yet. I'll just wait and see how well his trait carry to the next generation.

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