*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

I need a week to recover I think.
Hubby is leaving town on Sat (till wednesday). In-laws leave on Friday, kids back to school Monday so thats the day I'll totally relax.
I need a week to recover I think.
Hubby is leaving town on Sat (till wednesday). In-laws leave on Friday, kids back to school Monday so thats the day I'll totally relax.

And on Tuesday she will start on the block to send to me.
Home we missed you !

Don't tell anyone who told you SHHHH, but there has been some nastyness on here while you were gone.
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She's BAAAACK! Yeah! Now maybe Acre can catch her breath and get a break from trying to keep a certain person in line!

Glad to have you back safe and sound, and not eaten by a lion like a certain somebody said happened.

Did you manage to smuggle that baby warthog through customs disguised as a new breed of Chicken/Livestock Guard Dog?

Oh and we definitely want to see pics of the fabrics!
I thought I would get all my fabric cut for my blocks here and the other one that we are making 21 blocks. Have I lost my mind ?

I bought 1/4 yard to little of one of my fabrics !
I can't remember if i bought it at Hancocks or JoAnns !

I guess I will just have to go to both places tomorrow !

How am I going to do that and not buy more fabric that I am sure to fall in love with ?

I sure hope I find it
because if I don't I will have to pick another fabric to match and cut them all over again.

Now I know why people tell dumb blond jokes.

Anybody have blocks to share ! That might make me happier .
I thought I would get all my fabric cut for my blocks here and the other one that we are making 21 blocks. Have I lost my mind ?

I bought 1/4 yard to little of one of my fabrics ! I can't remember if i bought it at Hancocks or JoAnns !

I guess I will just have to go to both places tomorrow !

You poor, poor thing...being forced to have to go to the fabric stores!!!LOL!!!! I could use that punishment!!!! Well I have my 3 for here all done and waiting for the addresses. I also have all mine cut out for the BYCville swap and couple pieces sewn to the interfacing and flipped inside out already, saving the tedious, aggravating, teeny little pieces though...they are such a pain in the buttcus, they are not fun at all! The the ironing them on is not bad and then to finish I need to sew them down..the applique is not for the weak of heart, lol! The more you do it, the better you get at it I think, I am learning soemthing with everyone I do to make the next one better but they are time consuming and you have to have loads of fuseable interfacing and there are alot of different weights of that! Looks like there is no turning back now with this sewing "thang"..I'm in too deep already,lol!!!
Seminolewind I got my block last week. I just love it and the colors are PERFECT!
I haven't started my blocks yet either, although I did go by JoAnn's this morning and pick up some fabric for Dragracer's block.

BTW Angela, I'm back!

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