*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

I'm just really tired, I doubt its jetlag, it could be the time change/daylight saving thing... or the fact I hurt my back on Sunday - but whatever, I'm just really not in the mood for anything other than going back to bed, till SPRING!
Morning!!!! So nice to have my computer fixed and be on line with my morning coffee!!!!

Acre, can I have addresses for: Marlin, Jody & YOU!!! lol!! My blocks have been finished, just couldn't get on the puter for all the nasty viruses. Leeps...here is the progress on your block...
I'll get it finished when I can and it'll be a nice surprise in the mail one day

This woman on ebay sells embroidered rooster blocks..machine embroidered roosters on a muslin block, plain but pretty and will need a border becasue they are 8 x 8 but I am buying a set of those in multi colors to place in-between these blocks of ya'll for a fun looking friendship quilt when I get enough!! I think that will be soooooo cool!!!
Hey Kycks, check this out..... http://how-to-quilt.com/crazy-quilts.php I have a friend at work that makes these crazy quilts..gorgeous!! One day she'll get tired of hearing me tell her to join the site and we'l look around and see her here!! These crazy quilts are made in small blocks with alot of gorgeous fabrics and embellishments..on my list to make someday...after I wind down the hundred other projects I have going on right now, lol!!! But anyway, check out the link..one picture looks a bit like your quilt.
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Hi everyone! I've missed being here lately. There's been a lot going on. I'm just thrilled to have survived the week! lol. I got everything completed and turned in for my certiifcation, but now I have to do one more thing (they didn't mention it until after I submitted it). Hopefully I will be certified in a couple weeks, though. We had a clinic on management intensive grazing this week and ended up with 111 participants!!! I had to speak in front of all of those people and I was sure I was going to pass out or be sick, but I made it through it!

Now hopefully things will settle down enough that I can get some blocks done!
skand...... this is the original block I made for you, but the corners did not match up no matter how many times I pulled them apart and started over....
I was fine, my machine was having a bad week


Then I made up for it with this one, so I hope you like it...did you give your new address to Acre? If you want the other one I will mail you both, let me know....

AWWWWW !!! I dun care about perfectedness! I like the personality shining through!
Ummm I dunno if I did or not,.. lemme pm her on it.. lol

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