*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

Wow, who made this block?

Sem, that is a gif, a jpeg, a graphic..not a block
So, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I made one block last night and I may have to tear part of it apart and redo it.

I hope I can find time this weekend to get some more done! Tonight will be a late one, so I won't be home to work on any blocks.
I am done with ZooKeeper9000's block! I am going to try and get done with ScrambledEgg's and Leepsy's block today so I can get them all mailed out!

Sorry for the delay, all. I have been busy welcoming a new puppy into the family, tending to sick kids, working on the yard and garden, etc..., etc... You all know how life gets in the spring!
Well I know how spring gets but here we are not doing much in the yard other than watching the snow melt and trust me it is not melting very fast.

Well all I got left to do is iron my blocks and trim to 12 1/2 and then they will go out. I will post when I get them in the mail. I am done with my spring blocks except for ironing and triming as well. I snuck in about 20 more blocks while I was at those, you got to love those nights when everything goes right.

Other than watching the snow melt and finishing up my blocks I been playing with puppies. I have the 4 chihuahua's and 3 shelties. I am down to only 1 chihuahua and I haven't even advertised those babies yet, I can't believe how fast they are going.

Thanks for letting me share with you all.

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