*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

IM so happy that Felicity liked her horse themed block from me. asn't quite sure about it.

I am glad I got mine out early as I got sick with bronchitis, went in hospital as it went into plurisy in the lining of my lungs.
Very painful. IM home now and feeling better. Hoping to start on my house blocks for the other exchange.

Sara IM sending prayers up for your Dad.
Sara...My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

Jody... I got my block today. Thank you so much. I love it!

I miss Skand and her hippie husband and block stealing girls too!!
Wish them well

CW..bless your heart, the pluerisy sounds terrible, glad you're better

ZOO!!!! I got your block!!!! WHOOO HOO!!! Thank you, I love it!!!!
Very nice!!!! Hopefully Jody, Acre and Marlin will get theirs from me early this week
Yes, I will post a link here for the April swap.....but for the sign up, I am going to have everyone sign-up again (saying I'm not gonna scramble the names this time).

I heard from skand last week, they had moved, her machine was messed up, I told her I would do 3 blocks for her to send out, I've sent other PM's and haven't gotten any response. I sure hope they are O.K. also.

SE---I am just itchin' to get my block in the mail.

Chicken women--hope you get back to 100% soon.
SE glad ya liked the block, I sure hoped you would.

Acres do you need some help to send out some of Skands blocks. I got a bunch done up right now, did them up last week while I was on a roll with the spring swap blocks. Just drop me a PM if you need me to send any out. They would be chicken theme. My sister kept saying that she would not send them out she would make a quilt of her own with them LOL. She is just toooooooo Greedy LOL.

Well just taking a break from my BYCvillie blocks. I am on a roll all I have left to do is iron, add borders, embroidery the eye and the legs on my chicken, iron again square them up and send them out. And there is only 20 of them, well 21 as I made a sample one as well. But hey I got lots of time, THANKS AMY FOR EXTENDING THE DEAD LINE TO MAY 29TH. I hope to get them out before that but ya never know. They have been fun and easy so far just alot of steps. But I have got lots done since Friday night. I really had fun with the freezer papered block method.
Kycks--that is little roo is precious and I know Skand will be thrilled to tears over it!! Very thoughtful!!! Did you meant hat they ahd moved to Maine already? I had hoped they would go ahead and do that, those kids will adjust to a new school better than the stress of living in that airstream two months.

Zoo, I can't believe you have those BYCville blocks done!!! WOW, you are my hero!!!! I have one completed, the rest cut out but not sewn...great job!!!
Love that Roo how cute.

Was Skand and Jim leaving Texas on this move last I heard they had went to a trailer waiting for the big move. Been praying for them sure hope all is well.

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