*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

Look at the lovely block I got in the mail from ChevyBeth!!!
I LOVE the golden chicken fabric!!!! Where did you get it??
(oops.. I just noticed I hadn't rotated the photo correctly)

I'm in hog (or chicken) heaven! I have tiny, warm sleeping chicks in my lap, I have quilt blocks for my friendship quilt, and I am completely addicted to BYC. Only bad thing is the chickens make it hard to move my arms to type, and they keep wanting to sit on the laptop trackpad.
kycklingar! ~ I have that same chicken fabric, it's going on the back of the quilt from the last swap I did on here. I love that fabric!

I'm just sitting by the mailbox waiting for my block from Marlinchaser, I got my others and love them!
I am super new to this quilting thing and I thought doing this quilting block swap sounds really fun. So I made an extra square when doing my project so I could be part of the April block swap. Unfortunately I did not read the instructions carefully before doing it. I didn't prewash and I think one of the little squares may not be 100% cotton. Am I disqualified?


Never mind I am doing a private swap with someone, thanks for the info.
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Awwww! What a cute block!! Here's what you can do: get it wet, and then iron it dry with a HOT iron (like on the linen setting). This will pre-shrink it. Then, measure. If it's still close to 12 inches (like a quarter inch off), then you can probably still use it!
(if not, we can have a private swap! I'll make it work in my quilt somehow!
Luna, I got those blocks from you! Gorgeous! Thanks so much!
Sorry everyone that I didnt get to do my part of the swap, I know I know... Shame on me, and all that hanging of head in shame. I've already started my penance! Hopefully, next month, I'll be able to get caught up, and do my blocks that I owe everyone.
Thanks Acre for picking up my slack. I really appreciate it.
kycklingar! :

Awwww! What a cute block!! Here's what you can do: get it wet, and then iron it dry with a HOT iron (like on the linen setting). This will pre-shrink it. Then, measure. If it's still close to 12 inches (like a quarter inch off), then you can probably still use it!
(if not, we can have a private swap! I'll make it work in my quilt somehow!

Thanks, I will try to preshrink it, then measure it. I am so glad you are willing to take a gamble on a newbie.

The right middle square is cotton I think. Like I said I am new to this, but it feels the same as the others except the middle left square. That square is a little bit fuzzy but honestly there werent any discriptions as I bought them from a discount craft store.​

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