*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

This is the cutie pie I got from Scrambled:


And this beauty from thowe:


Just wanted to show them off! Aren't they lovely?
Hey (Gumpsgirl) Stacey I love my block got it this afternoon, thank you so much. You did a great job.

Acres PM me, I can help with blocks if ya need me too. I got blocks made already to go.
Stacey...I got your block today. Thank you so much. I love it. I was in Ocala day before yesterday and they have a Hobby Lobby there. I just happened to see it and had never been in one before so we stopped and investigated. I saw the material you put in my block there and was hoping that was the same one you were sending me and it was.
Again, thank you.

I didn't think you thought I was fussing at her. I should have been clearer about why I was asking. I was just worried she hadn't gotten her block, did'nt want to get black balled from next months swap. I was really hoping it had gotten to her by now, hope she likes it. If it hasn't gotten to her I will make her another one. I love seeing all the differnt blocks. Everyone has inspired me to try harder block and to get out of my comford zone. I may get brave and try for 2 blocks in April. Hope everything is ok with Texas. Please let me know if you hear anything


edited to add picture
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I made soap yesterday and i'ts all over my dining room table, when I get it all moved I'll take a picture of Luna's Henri Knitta block that I adore!! Hey Luna, is that your floor or table you took those pictures on? Either way, looks like absolutely gorgeous old barn wood..lucky you!! And Thowe...wow, that block is incredible!!!!!
It sure would be nice, sitting out in the rain isn't good for my health.

Get an Umbrella, it could be a long wait. Yours is probably the closest, and will take the longest to get to you. I sent them morning of 26th, had them ready Saturday, but they sat by the door till 25th got to PO and they were closed, so went next morning. Sorry.

My umbrella has holes in it so it would be of no use. Thankfully it came in the mail yesterday so I was able to come back in the house before the rain
I love it!

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