*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

I think she slipped through the cracks to get on the list this month since she didn't follow through last month either..I wouldn't hold my breath for a block from her I'm sorry to say....
I think she slipped through the cracks to get on the list this month since she didn't follow through last month either..I wouldn't hold my breath for a block from her I'm sorry to say....

Hmmmm. She posted 3 days ago on another thread.
Hi, please take me off the April swap. I'm on the MB too much and I am taking a break.
I still have not received a block from AKbuttonmama. I asked a few times on this thread about her, but I guess no one knows anything.
All I can tell you is....she last posted on 3-27-09. I haven't heard anything....therefore I can't tell you anything. I'm sorry that you haven't received a block from her but I will make sure you get a block.
It's too bad that some things don't work out for people that sign up and stuff happens and they can't follow through, I understand....stuff happens....

BUT on a lighter note! Please sign me up for April! I usually just sign up for one, this way I'm on the safe side and don't overdue myself and worry about it, I KNOW I can do at least one block!

Where's Wildsky? Is she OK?
I haven't heard from Wildsky. I sure hope she is O.K. I knoe the last time I heard from her, she was still really tired from the travels to Africa. Maybe she'll be back soon.
Acre I don't expect you to make up for someone else. I can go without a block. It's just that I was in the hospital and still made all 3 of my blocks. If I couldn't do it I would have contacted them and promised to get one to them at a later date.

I don't think you should have to make the blocks that don't show up ! You have worked hard enough organizing the swap.

I appreciate all the time you have taken to make it happen for us.

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