2013 Has Been Bad for Peachicks Here

Did you loose peachicks as well?  Or did you just loose the mandarin ducklings.  Talking about that I will PM you about them. 

My dam sister's dog killed my only peachick I hatched! :( Happened when I was at work. They came to town for vacation and let the dog in to make it self at home! It was a midnight java cross and was the sweetest thing. My girls and I are still heartbroken. So it's been a bad year here too
To your birds, you are Superwoman, giver of food, water, protection, of life itself. They trust you with their lives. I am done with pre baiting and have killed all local raccoons, cats and squirrels. My coop will be an impenetrable bunker. I use duke dog proof traps with 65lb. shock springs for coon, year round. Kania 2000 for squirrels, year round. Duke 1.5 footholds with shock spring for cats. My coop will be raised and have a fan. I will not have a sad story to tell. I also use 6 sided quartz crystal points for auric field protection.
Sounds like a plan but remember plain ol box fans you get at retail store are for inside and too much dust and moisture build up can cause a fire, so if i were you and gonna go to all that expense on a coop then get a fan made for industrial, i have the big round ones in my barn


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