2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Here is another picture, the space between left leg fingers is bigger than right leg fingers. They curled also as you said, i'm not sure how to tape them flat mad straight, can you post a picture please? last season i have taped one peachicks legs and it got worse

Last year my peahen hatched out a peachick with very curled toes. It wasn't dry like the others and it was hardly able to get around. We took it and made peachick shoes for it. What we did is get a thin plastic lid to something and took the chick and held its toes out flat on the plastic. Using a marker we drew around the chick's feet to make the correct size shoe. I used masking tape to tape the chick's toes down because I use masking tape for art because when hanging up art or taping off sections of a piece, the tape is gentle so will not rip or mess up paper so I figured it would be gentle on a peachick and it was. Then because the plastic is slippery we put three circular felt stickers on the bottom of the shoes for traction. The stickers are I think used for the bottom of small pieces of furniture like dishes so that they do not scratch tables. The shoes worked really well and by the end of the day the peachick's feet were back to normal and at night I slipped it under the peahen and the next morning I could not tell which chick it was. In this photo the peachick is sleeping. It was very warn out after trying to walk before the shoes and also having us put its shoes on.
While gathering eggs last night I found a 5.5 ft long chicken snake curled up in the corner of the loafing shed that my peahens and turkey lay in. He had a peahen egg about 2 ft down his body and evidently could go very far. I killed it then removed the egg. The egg looks fine, I rinsed it off, to remove any digestive enzymes, and marked it when I put it in the wine frig with the others this week. I'll be interested to see if it will still develop and hatch!! There were 2 turkey eggs and another pea egg in one nest with my royal palm hen guarding those, then my Spaulding peahen standing over her telling that snake to get out of their laying area. I knew something was wrong when I went in the flight pen.
While gathering eggs last night I found a 5.5 ft long chicken snake curled up in the corner of the loafing shed that my peahens and turkey lay in. He had a peahen egg about 2 ft down his body and evidently could go very far. I killed it then removed the egg. The egg looks fine, I rinsed it off, to remove any digestive enzymes, and marked it when I put it in the wine frig with the others this week. I'll be interested to see if it will still develop and hatch!! There were 2 turkey eggs and another pea egg in one nest with my royal palm hen guarding those, then my Spaulding peahen standing over her telling that snake to get out of their laying area. I knew something was wrong when I went in the flight pen.
I took a pea egg out of a chicken snake last year and it hatched, it was a white one i name Slither but i no longer know which one it is cause i have around 15 whites.

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