2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Disclaimer: I don't know how to sex peachicks, lol, but thought I might have some fun, so
based on a combo of color, weight and behavior, I'm gonna guess the sex on these four.

What are the odds on guessing the sex on four?

27 days old in these pictures




Looks like I guessed two correctly so far. Pretty sure PA1 is female and I'm starting to think PA3 is also female.

Boy at bottom right is not part of the PA group.

Pea season is over, but I have four Guinea eggs in the bator!


Good luck to the last of the Guinea's!
We had two guinea hens show up Nov 1st with 13 new hatched babies.
Them guineas multiply like rats over here i sold and culled down to around 30 before breeding season and i bet there are 150 of them running around here again, mine have finely figured out how to raise them up to adult hood, plus the dogs have eliminated most all the snakes that ate the keets .
Them guineas multiply like rats over here i sold and culled down to around 30 before breeding season and i bet there are 150 of them running around here again, mine have finely figured out how to raise them up to adult hood, plus the dogs have eliminated most all the snakes that ate the keets .

Same here,
we were down to our 18 breeders and now we are up around 50 counting all but the hatchlings. Maybe the owls will get some, they didn't get any last winter but there is always hope.

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