2014 Stockton CA pre-sale

He may not have been properly cared for while in the sales cage and may have been without water for quite a while.

If you have some plain, unsweetened yogurt, it will help him with the stress of his last week.  Also, maybe put some vitamins/electrolytes in his water (or even better, use unpasteurized apple cider vinegar).  You could wet his feed to be sure he's getting enough moisture.

Thank you for the advice! I thought he was all better but i think its happening again. He's drinking water but maybe he needs something extra in his?? Ill try those things and see if it helps. I appreciate all the advice from everyone!
Hi All,

The Stockton Show was a great time. Now we move onto the Humboldt Poultry Fanciers Association show in Ferndale at the Humboldt fair grounds. I'm planning on attending the show. There are actually about four of us attending from Redding to Red Bluff. We are driving up Friday late afternoon and returning Sunday early afternoon.

I haven't seen a presale posted anywhere for this show, so I guess I will post here.

I will be bringing the following birds for sale:

UK Blue Orpington Rooster (1)
UK Chocolate Orpington Roosters (2)
Black Copper Marans Cockerels (2)
Black Copper Marans Flock, (1 roo & 6 hens)
UK Black Orpington, split to Lavender (1)
Splash Marans Cockerels (2)
Blue Copper Marans Cockerels (2)

Chicks, lots of chicks. UK Orpingtons, Black Copper Marans, maybe a few Bresse.

See you there I hope!

I have pictures posted on the "2014 Humboldt PreSale Page"

I am so jealous! I would love to attend the Humboldt show or the Stockton show...I am in Las Vegas and 8 hours seems like quite the long way to travel with a bunch of chickens. Do you guys know of any shows in Southern CA?
I am so jealous!  I would love to attend the Humboldt show or the Stockton show...I am in Las Vegas and 8 hours seems like quite the long way to travel with a bunch of chickens.  Do you guys know of any shows in Southern CA?

There is a double show in Bakersfield March 1st and maybe one in Ventura April 12th. Sorry I don't have websites but try to google poulrty shows 2014.

Good luck.
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That is soo great! Please let me how they turn out. I had a customer to whom I sold 12 eggs but gave him 16 and he argues only 4 are fertile when everyone else tells me 100% and. Hope they turn out nice! :)
That is soo great! Please let me how they turn out. I had a customer to whom I sold 12 eggs but gave him 16 and he argues only 4 are fertile when everyone else tells me 100% and. Hope they turn out nice! :)
If they were Phoenix, I can vouch that fertility is not the issue. Both the Silvers and Golds are developing nicely, and I expect a near 100% hatch.

Were his eggs shipped? People really need to come to terms with the fact development rate is severely compromised with shipped eggs.
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