2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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I am sure everyone can flood with chick images
No way I heard chirping in the bator this morning. Yep. My DH just so happened to be standing in the door way talking to me, when all of a sudden I say...No Way! He says, I heard peeping. Yesterday they went into lock down. No pip, so internally pipped. I will have to talk to my friend and see if her eggs hatch early. My temps were up for a while in the last week, that could do it I suppose. :p

LOL..I wonder where they got their sense of humor. Love it! Must be fun in your family.
kids that get on bus here are here.... There was a bator here this morning! They got to see 2 hatch! Glad I have the lil cooler up here! Now I realize how that big coolerbator incubating in bulk wasn't much fun at all trying to get orders out and forgetting what your creating! This was so fun!!!! Thank you so much everyone I so needed to do this again and chat with friends
one more pipper to hatch and then two questionable. Sun has shined on them for certain!
So glad you had some fun. Sure enjoyed you doing a Hatch A Long again. Been a while, yep. How cute is this photo?! Looks like you had a pretty good hatch! Whoot!

He's lonely and loud and gets louder when he bites his own toes. He sleeps when I pick him up and hide his toes. He's a black split lavender Ameraucana. He needs a friend so one of the remaining eggs better hatch this week. The 4-week old chicks would be too big.
I might be going through this is my little chirper hatches early. A split lavender A. ...nice!
gonna wait till lunch n move them over. Its real foggy but majority looks like pulleys of course except the mixed. But will see better when I get them out. 2 need zip yet. One nothing.

Ps figured out how to upload images from cell!!!

You have to hold finger down after tapping to post in the box and it will give you a pop up to go to browser hit yes and in there you can do it!!!!!!

I'm glad you figured out how to post photos from there. I love your photos. In fact, I'm loving this brooder! This is what I use. Only, I had to replace an old one, and got red! Ugh, I wish I could find a clear one like yours. Will have to go look today. I think I may have an early bird. If I don't see a pip by tonight after having heard it chirp so loudly, I will officially start worrying big time, because that's what I do.
tiffani, so sorry about the accident. You will have some hatch, then the happy tears will come.
I'm a horrible aweful person! I just dropped the flash light on an egg and cracked it open it had a beautiful baby chick in it and now it's lost because I couldn't leave things alone. No more itchy fingers here I'm not opening the incubator again until thursday, the day after hatch.

auto sexing breeds like the Legbar some of us are hatching

these are from two years ago I think, hatch but these are some legbar images (auto sexing at hatch) I will test you on my hatch later on

MALE Female

And just for fun...

Pullet I hatched from some expensive eggs in 2013 I think it was... the hatch just cracked me up they all had double crest gene I swear!
and dark dark crests! I had to sell them, but they were so cute, all the locals just grabbed them right up!

sooo CUTE

So much for chores lol........ I should have put them where they always go... down stairs... I will never get work done!!!!

I still cant believe this many hatched so far! and those fridge eggs were almost a month old I bet!
So I think in there so far is one Godzilla or as luke said "osterich" and Four mixes and the rest are Legbar from all the other coops,
I sure wish I would have basketed them! I only wanted to keep roo's from one coop :( so dumb there really isnt too many roos in there.


she is one tough cookie!!! at least she thinks so

beautiful mix is a pullet, yay!! she is going to lay a HUGE JUMBO blue egg!!! there are three black ones in there and one that turned out grey with white

I am VERY looking forward to seeing the boy on the right grow, but not sure whats going on with his BIG FEET!

and his head seems really round for some reason... time will tell, but he will be grown out with all the other boys!

This is OSTERICH or GODZILLA, its a BOY, he will be ummm food for the family :(
these mixes can be sexed by the legs, his arent sexy enough... VERY unfortunate for him

She likes the camera

Also a pullet that will lay a huge blue egg for us! love the look of her, cant wait to see her grow!

this one plays peekaboo

What is your secret to getting such good shots? I am amazed by your knowledge and photography
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