2015 New York Chickenstock

Yes, I'll take the lemon balm, chard, dill & rosemary. Ok - I'll know better in a week or so, also, depending on if I get to plant mine, as I have plenty of seeds, but haven't started any yet. --- I might have a few extra perennial flowers I could bring - if anyone is interested, then I'll dig some up: "Sunchokes" - they get really tall, multiply quickly, easy to grow & are beautiful late summer flower. They're a "tuber" - I think they're the wild version of Jerusalem artichokes. $3 per pot - with a 6+ tubers in each pot
Japanese Iris - beautiful, tough, hardy perennial I haven't dug any up yet, but they'd be good-sized plants. $3 per pot
Evening Primrose - small, but hardy, prolific plant; wilts when transplanted, but almost always survives, as very tough. $2 per pot - small roots, so can fit quite a few in a pot.
Oh, they're all used to full-sun, but will grow just about anywhere!
would like those that are good for bees.
would like those that are good for bees.

From what I've seen bees love evening primrose, New England Asters, bee balm (of course
) - might a little of those too.

I'm not sure about the sunchokes or the irises, though they do visit them, they're not "buzzing" like the other flowers.


I used to have a "false sunflower", double-flowered yellow, very tall and they'd be full of bees, bumblebees, wasps, etc.
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From what I've seen bees love evening primrose, New England Asters, bee balm (of course :) ) - might a little of those too.

I'm not sure about the sunchokes or the irises, though they do visit them, they're not "buzzing" like the other flowers.


I used to have a "false sunflower", double-flowered yellow, very tall and they'd be full of bees, bumblebees, wasps, etc.
I like to plant flowers around the yard to feed the beeses.
The lemon balm is in a 6" pot - $2 well started; chard plants are in those little plastic 6pack pots - $1 - should be well started; dill 4 plants in a 4" pot - $1 will be well started; rosemary 3" pot - $2 - well started; strawberries are Honeyoye variety, each in a 4" pot - $2.

I would like a 6 pack of chard if you still have it available
Edited to add a list to make it easier

Tons of hot pepper seedlings (GMO free and organic) also pie pumpkin seedling
Lilac sapling, hosta plants, organic bug balm, well started hop plants potted, elderberry starts
Hi baking I have nothing to trade I would however like a bug balm, and 2 elderberry starts.Please let me know how much?
Baking - the mint we traded yesterday perked right up ! Only the lemon balm (ironically since you have more) seemed to not do too well -but it is still holding on ! :)

Thanks !!!

Everyone - I will be PM'ing you to verify all my sells and buys later this week ... so if you haven't heard from me by this weekend ... and you are selling to me or buying from ... let me know so I can you to my planning process !!!
Updating my list of what I have available: lemon balm x6 pots; bunching onions x4 pots; strawberry plants x4 pots; italian oregano x1 pot; yarrow x3 pots; a few chard plants; rosemary x3; dill plants (4/pot); forget-me-nots x 3 pots; 1 large chive pot.
In addition I have available - hostas'; cone flowers; sweet woodruff; bee balm; lambs ears; chives & italian oregano.

I really don't want to drag a ton of stuff with me, so please let me know if you're interested in something and I will bring it.

So excited!!
Hello Boskelli I would like a 1 Lemon Balm, 1 bunching onions, 1 Italian Oregano, 1 Rosemary, 1 Dill, 1 chive, 1 bee balm... thank you

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