2015 New York Chickenstock

Henny - I'll take the 4 -1 week old Barnvelders............if they're not spoken for. How much $$

Cracrzy4chicks - they are spoken for. Sorry. I had them cross posted and nothing. As SOON as I put them here - BAM! I do apologize! I have more in the bator now due to hatch in 19 days! You are close so if you want some then, let me know! You can have first dibs! ;)
How much are you asking for them? I'd be interested in the frizzle and one other one. I have some the exact same age as them so that would be perfect.
I am asking $7 each for the Cochins. Straight Run.
I would be interested in a few Barnvelders - pullets only tho' - is that do-able?? If so, how much please.
I can sex the barnevelders for you, but pullets will be $13/ea. Cockerels $5. Take them straight run, $7 each.
I wouldn't mind some of the LF Cochins!..Smooth is great. I have a frizzled Roo so smooths are perfect! How much are you asking?
$7 each straight run.

there is more interest it seems than I have chicks available! :-D PLEASE let me know who wants what and I'll start a list! Thank you so much!
I am asking $7 each for the Cochins. Straight Run.
I can sex the barnevelders for you, but pullets will be $13/ea. Cockerels $5. Take them straight run, $7 each.
$7 each straight run.

there is more interest it seems than I have chicks available! :-D PLEASE let me know who wants what and I'll start a list! Thank you so much!

Nutty - I couldn't quote you in ^^. Please let me know who's interested! Thanks!

Also, for honey that would be great if I knew if folks wanted pints or quarts!

Can't wait!!!!!!! Eeeeeeep!!
Okay all, me, Metella, and Baking are leaving today for Chickenstock since it's a long drive for us, so I'm posting here to make sure I'm bringing everything that everyone wanted. If I'm missing you, PLEASE let me know before one, since that's when we plan to be leaving.

D'uccle chicks for Boskelli
6 Cemani eggs for Purpletie
One cemani chick for Purpletie, LogCabinChicks, and aalisa
Two female legbars for ann p - these may be for sale, I was supposed to have a trio but hatched only females, haven't heard back yet if she wants the females without the males

Picking up:
Silkies from pharm
Eggs from Tab
Possibly some cochins from My Henny Hens

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