2015 New York Chickenstock

Gee, Now i'm feeling like I'm gonna be sorry that I couldn't make it out here for the Chicken stock.  Sounds like you all are going to have a really good time.  But truthfully I have been only been to one Chickenstock (Shark Snipers) and I can already tell they are a dangerous place to go if you do not have an antidote for Chickenmathitis.  My first coop is going to be full already with the 5 hatchlings I hatched from Tab (Which are doing very well, just so you know), and I know I would end up coming home with more.  

Have a great day everyone.  Looks like good weather, too.

This one sounds like it is going to be bigger, with more temptations.
Hubby sprang on me that he is working, but I'm going to hopefully drop him off and drive out in a few hours - at this rate I'll get there later and have to leave early, have had no sleep, and am in the middle of yet another hatch, but I really, really, really want to go!!!
Getting the car packed and heading out in a few..Hopefully will be there about 11:30!! And got suckered into bringing my daughter...Can't refuse a Mommy Daughter day...We are leaving the boys at home!
Checked with luv to pay those of you I owe.
Its Ben busy here three birthdays. Four if you consider new baby Sophie. To making deposits on house. Today fixed kitchen door that fell off. Screws came out of two of three hinges. SIL, not handy. Anyhow will log on to pay asap. Don't worry I will not stiff anyone.
Had a fabulous time at chickenstock talking to everyone and seeing all the birds and other stuff for sale along with all the good food.

A HUGE shout out to nutty and her family for hosting this event and cooking. Her boys were great helpers. Thank you Nutty, I really needed this day. It was very nice visiting with everyone. Rancher, you must come to the next one. We missed you.

Came home to five silkie babies hatched out! The little monsters are very quiet and subdued. I guess the sudden dissappear acne of 15 of their siblings has made them nervous!!!
Just got in from our long drive! Metella and Baking are still on their way home, but I got the new cochin chicks settled in their brooder. Einstein and Witchypants are spending the night inside tonight because it's thunderstorming over here and I wasn't about to fuss with getting them in their coop in this weather. I had tons of fun seeing everyone again!

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