2015 New York Chickenstock

8 sounds good. I don't have a clue about incubating, so that's out. :(   As I said, I would ideally like 4-5 girls/1 boy - would you be able to do that??  If not, I can always add on at a later date.

I'll preorder some more eggs from the breeder - there is a lot of demand for good Ancona bloodlines - so I can have plenty hatched and sexed for you by chickenstock. Do you prefer colors, black and white, or both?
I'll preorder some more eggs from the breeder - there is a lot of demand for good Ancona bloodlines - so I can have plenty hatched and sexed for you by chickenstock. Do you prefer colors, black and white, or both?

Surprise me with the colors - I really don't mind - I think they are a very attractive duck. I will pm you shortly.
We're there any pic from chicken stock?

Here are a few I got. I didn't take too many because I didn't want to accidentally get one of any Amish families.



I usually take tons of photos - but was too busy that day!
Now, I wish I had, especially those who took home some of the chicks or rabbits.
I wrote down most of which ones got sold, but not to whom, as I like to sometimes get "updates" on how they're doing!

Thankfully, my Dad took a few photos of Chickenstock, which I can post later.

Nice picture of us, Pyxis!

The others need to be edited first.
Also, @Pyxis and @pharmchickrnmom - there's photos of you I can PM to you, and you can decide if you want them posted or not.

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