2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

My hen didn't return before I had to leave for work last night and she didn't come this morning either so I was very concerned. Not to mention when I got home about 3 am I had a oppossum getting into my younger chicks brooder and the dog going nuts at an owl after I sent him out after the oppossum.

Then I also noticed my BS Peahen was not roosted with the others and not been here this morning. So on the hunt again and I thought if see the BS no problem. A lot of ground to cover out there but no such luck. Yet!

I did manage to spot my IB though. Now just to figure out how to handle the situation. I can't leave her I just know something will find her. She didn't budge or make a peep and we were not 5 ft from her. We hung out talking about what to do. She acted like she could care less.

Wow she is very well hidden! Of course sadly that doesn't mean a critter won't find her.
I had one hatch out just like that a few minutes ago. Here is what we did; cut an old sock to make a tube, carefully put the chick inside and tucked the legs back where they should be and taped it snug. We will take it out in the morning and see if it is working, probably will need shoes next.

A little under 24 hours in the burrito and a day with shoes on and presto! Walkin' talkin' large.

Thanks @frenchblackcopper for the tips I got from you last year! I modified the wrap a bit, but it worked just the same.

A little under 24 hours in the burrito and a day with shoes on and presto! Walkin' talkin' large.

Thanks @frenchblackcopper for the tips I got from you last year! I modified the wrap a bit, but it worked just the same.

Looks great, is this a little Purple?
Caught my hen off her nest and she has 5 eggs. The 4 I had set none were veined, eggtopsy revealed none even began to visibly develop. I took a pic of the 1 that yolk managed to show the visible spot but I cannot tell if it's a bullseye or not.

Is it possible for the first 4 to be infertile and now her 5 she's sitting to be fertile? I was sad they weren't and with my pair to be of good age I hope I don't have fertility issues.
Caught my hen off her nest and she has 5 eggs. The 4 I had set none were veined, eggtopsy revealed none even began to visibly develop. I took a pic of the 1 that yolk managed to show the visible spot but I cannot tell if it's a bullseye or not.

Is it possible for the first 4 to be infertile and now her 5 she's sitting to be fertile? I was sad they weren't and with my pair to be of good age I hope I don't have fertility issues.
Where is the photo of the yoke you took? i would think if one was fertile the rest would be what day are you on now?

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