2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Lucy's "only child" is now 9 days old. Tiny "T" was out free-ranging at 36 hours in 68' temps. 5 days old and Lucy asked T to fly up 8' to the night roost. No way was T ready for that, so Momma bird came back down and slept one more night on the ground with baby.. At 6 days old, I found T up there(8' high) on the night perch! It always amazes me how fast the tiny chicks develope.
9 days,old now, and T still has the "tawny" coloring, but is looking a lot more IBish to me, ....ya think?


Lucy's "only child" is now 9 days old. Tiny "T" was out free-ranging at 36 hours in 68' temps. 5 days old and Lucy asked T to fly up 8' to the night roost. No way was T ready for that, so Momma bird came back down and slept one more night on the ground with baby.. At 6 days old, I found T up there(8' high) on the night perch! It always amazes me how fast the tiny chicks develope.
9 days,old now, and T still has the "tawny" coloring, but is looking a lot more IBish to me, ....ya think?

Very nice!

More scale pictures:

Hatched 5-23

Hatched 5-24

Crookie hatched on 5-23, but look how small he is!

Hatched 5-28

Hatched 6-4

Hatched 6-2

Odd that three are 81 grams, lol.

Next hatch is in progress! This time I'd set 11 eggs but 3 of them were from a hen that was very young still, and ended up being clears. One quit early, leaving me with seven that made it to lockdown.

First baby out was out a whole day before anyone else. Since no one else had even pipped yet, I quick grabbed him out of the incubator. There are two more in there now, a silver pied and a white eye split pied. Two more have pipped so they'll have to wait to come out.

Meanwhile I'm going to keep the early hatcher. I took him out to see the adults, who have never seen a baby pea before, and all the hens freaked out, honking and even displaying at him, and all giving the long-necked peafowl inspection face.

Who turned off the egg laying??? I had been getting an average of eight to ten eggs per day, our temps get into the nineties for a few days and now I am lucky to get two eggs per day! One day I would have gotten four eggs but three were broken perch bombs.
What gives???

Maybe with the temps backing off a little for the next week laying will recommence?
Who turned off the egg laying??? I had been getting an average of eight to ten eggs per day, our temps get into the nineties for a few days and now I am lucky to get two eggs per day! One day I would have gotten four eggs but three were broken perch bombs.
What gives???

Maybe with the temps backing off a little for the next week laying will recommence?

Speaking of perch bombs, rather Marshmallow or Thora are laying now. I've found shattered egg shells and egg yolks. At first it was near the roost so I was thinking maybe it was a chicken. Then I noticed the past three times it's been every other day. The third egg was near the door so I knew it was one of those hens. I'm guessing Thora since she'll be 2 years old August 13. I will have to make it so she stops doing that by locking them outside before she lays.
Who turned off the egg laying???  I had been getting an average of eight to ten eggs per day, our temps get into the nineties for a few days and now I am lucky to get two eggs per day!  One day I would have gotten four eggs but three were broken perch bombs. :rant   What gives???

Maybe with the temps backing off a little for the next week laying will recommence?

Mine have all stopped laying too. I think they've been put off by all the thunderstorms.
My IB hen laid 3 eggs in the coop and 3 that I counted last in a nest she made in my front flower bed. She began sitting about a week ago. The same time I set the 3 eggs from her and 9 shipped eggs. The good news is I can see development in one of her eggs I have inside where last clutch of 9, 0 developed. Hoping the 3 she's sitting on are developing too. 1 of the shipped had a bloodring and the others I can't tell yet because they are a little dirty or are porous.

I didn't plan very well though as when she started laying and I set these I didn't check the calendar but these will have a 7/3-4 due date!! We will be on the lake! I hate that feeling. Good thing is I guess is I won't have to turn and I can put in lockdown and will only be gone overnight but still I know I'm going to be worried sick!!!

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