2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Slow going she is peeping! I check were I peeled back every hour if the blood vessels are brown I move back more if red I wrap with wet paper towel and put her back
I just lost her! I'm not having any success here
So sorry! Was her yolked absorbed?

Yes! I was so worried with the blood I thought she wasn't ready. I need them to hatch themselves

If there is blood then their vascular system hasn't shut down fully yet and they are not ready. There could have been something else going on with that chick that couldn't be seen by the eye. You tried your hardest!
Just to pick everyone's brains. This my first year trying to hatch and success is 0.
We have 4 peahens and 1 male on scene. Although I think only 3 peahens are laying. I don't think my BS likes Gus

We had one hatch and something went wrong after week. The rest have been wrongly postioned or get beak thru and die. Humidity is 75-80% temp is 97 during hatching.
45-50%humidity 99.5temp for incubator. They are on their sides on automatic Turner and we hand turn 1x a day as well.
What's going on any ideas? I have 8 more and my hens are done Gus dropped his tail feathers. My dates range from 6/30-7/15 these last few. I talking all advice. I'm hoping for one success
Help I have 1 peachick that got out of the shell on its own (in brooder). 1 I got out, bit iffy on whether it will live ( under hen at moment)and 5 eggs unpipped (I put air holes in the top of 2 of them). What do I do!!!!!?????!!!!!!?????
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Just to pick everyone's brains. This my first year trying to hatch and success is 0.
We have 4 peahens and 1 male on scene. Although I think only 3 peahens are laying. I don't think my BS likes Gus

We had one hatch and something went wrong after week. The rest have been wrongly postioned or get beak thru and die. Humidity is 75-80% temp is 97 during hatching.
45-50%humidity 99.5temp for incubator. They are on their sides on automatic Turner and we hand turn 1x a day as well.
What's going on any ideas? I have 8 more and my hens are done Gus dropped his tail feathers. My dates range from 6/30-7/15 these last few. I talking all advice. I'm hoping for one success
I would keep the hatcher temp as the incubator, clean your incubator and hatcher well, put them in a room where the temp is 78 or lower, keep them away from the sun, put them a day earlier for lockdown, and leave them on their own in the lock down.

Did the air sac look big when you move them to lock down? If the air sac is too big at day 25 you will need to increase the humidity for the first 25 days.

Last important thing, they need air, especially in the lock down, keep all the vents open, don't worry about the humidity being 69% or 70%, mine are doing fine on this range.
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When they are
Just to pick everyone's brains. This my first year trying to hatch and success is 0.
We have 4 peahens and 1 male on scene. Although I think only 3 peahens are laying. I don't think my BS likes Gus

We had one hatch and something went wrong after week. The rest have been wrongly postioned or get beak thru and die. Humidity is 75-80% temp is 97 during hatching.
45-50%humidity 99.5temp for incubator. They are on their sides on automatic Turner and we hand turn 1x a day as well.
What's going on any ideas? I have 8 more and my hens are done Gus dropped his tail feathers. My dates range from 6/30-7/15 these last few. I talking all advice. I'm hoping for one success
Q8 mentioned putting them on lockdown one day earlier, which is probably a good idea. I'd also agree, keep your hatcher at the same temp as the incubator.

I think someone on this thread (whoever was weighing their eggs, sorry I just woke up and can't remember) mentioned having better success with eggs that had lost more weight, suggesting that the lower humidity they were using (I want to say 40%) was working better for their eggs. I was using 50% humidity here and having terrible hatches, and I lowered it to 30% for the first 10-15 days and 60% the last days until lockdown at 75% and had wayyyy better hatch rates.

With hatching eggs, if you leave the humidity too high they don't have enough water loss to give them the room to turn (alternately, if you don't give them enough humidity, they lose too much water to have the slick moisture they need to turn). So, take a look at your unhatched eggs and try to determine if it looks like the malpositioned ones couldn't make it to the air sac for one of those reasons. Like Q8 said, if the air sacs look really large (and additionally if the membranes are no longer translucent, if the membranes are wrinkled, and if the moisture inside is more snotty than drippy) then you will want to increase your humidity. If you open your eggs and there membrane is semi-translucent, smoother, and there's a lot of drippy, somewhat sticky liquid inside the membrane, you may want to decrease the humidity.

Best of luck!

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