2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Have you candled it?


I made it an air hole about the size of a dime and put tape to keep it from drying out but a crack to breath. I am not sure if it is just week because of lack of oxygen or it just needs to rest and absorb the yolk and blood.I touched the clear membrane around the beak and it bleed a little.Not enough to kill it. The chick never has moved much or made sound.After all those hours it had a pip but never broke the white membrane. I need a miracle!!! Heart broken!
I would slowly peel the egg back a little to check on the lil fella, have you read the older posts? Lots of good info and pictures on assisted hatches.

Well I tried putting a little moisture so he wouldnt dry out and he bleed alot and died this morning!
I just tried to moisten around the hole that he made! I don't get it! This whole thing lasted like 36 hrs! I think I am done hatching for a while! heart broken!
Oh Marchick I am so so sorry! All mine hatched on day 26, it very possibly could have been malpositioned if it didn't absorb yolk, I had one like that and she didn't make it on day 28. :(. It is heartbreaking.
Oh Marchick I am so so sorry! All mine hatched on day 26, it very possibly could have been malpositioned if it didn't absorb yolk, I had one like that and she didn't make it on day 28.
. It is heartbreaking.

Thank you,I guess I wasn't ment to have a white peafowl! I wanted one so bad but its to late this year to try again.I am not sure I want to try again.That was brutal! It made me think maybe I should give up hatching all together! I should have bought a cabnet bator instead of 3 of the 1588 genesis.

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